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Last updated: 15th August 2024

GO - Regarding Transfer Orders

GO-298, Transfer Moscow to HQ, 14.8.24

GO-297, Transfer Riyadh to HQ, 14.8.24

GO-296, Transfer Tokyo to HQ, 14.8.24

GO-295, Transfer Berlin to HQ, 14.8.24

GO-294, Transfer Abu Dhabi to HQ, 14.8.24

GO-293, Transfer Washington D.C. to HQ, 14.8.24

GO-291, Transfer New York to HQ, 14.8.24

GO-290, Transfer Ottawa to HQ, 14.8.24

GO-289, Transfer Ottawa to HQ, 14.8.24

GO-288, Transfer Washington D.C. to HQ, 14.8.24

GO-287, Transfer Washington D.C. to HQ, 14.8.24

GO-283, Transfer Malé to HQ, 14.8.24

GO-533, Transfer HQ to Nairobi, 13.8.24

GO-516, Transfer Jeddah to HQ, 29.7.24

GO-515, Transfer New York to HQ, 29.7.24

GO-514, Transfer Canberra to HQ, 29.7.24

GO-513, Transfer Sydney to HQ, 29.7.24

GO-512, Transfer Washington D.C. to HQ,  29.7.24

GO-508, Transfer Washington D.C. to HQ, 29.7.24

GO-507, Transfer Kolkata to HQ, 29.7.24

GO-506, Transfer Birmingham to HQ, 29.7.24

GO-505, Transfer Baghdad to HQ, 29.7.24

GO-504, Transfer Canberra to HQ, 29.7.24

GO-503, Transfer Karachi to HQ, 29.7.24

GO-502, Transfer Cairo to HQ, 29.7.24

GO-501, Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C. 29.7.24

GO-500, Transfer HQ to London, 29.7.24

GO-499, Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 29.7.24

GO-498, Transfer HQ to Birmingham, 29.7.24

GO-497, Transfer HQ to Baghdad, 29.7.24

GO-496, Transfer HQ to New York, 29.7.24

GO-495, Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C. 29.7.24

GO-494, Transfer HQ to Canberra, 29.7.24

GO-493, Transfer HQ to Karachi, 29.7.24

GO-492, Transfer HQ to Canberra, 29.7.24

GO-491, Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 29.7.24

GO-490, Transfer HQ to Sydney, 29.7.24

GO-243, Transfer HQ to Canberra, 13.8.24

GO-240, Transfer Pretoria to HQ, 11.8.24

GO-239, Transfer Paris to HQ, 11.8.24

GO-239, Transfer Mumbai to Nairobi, 8.8.24

GO-238, Transfer New Delhi to HQ, 11.8.24

GO-237, Transfer HQ to Paris, 11.8.24

GO-235, Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C. 8.8.24

GO-231, Transfer HQ to Bangkok, 8.8.24

GO-232, Transfer HQ to New York, 8.8.24

GO-488, Transfer HQ to Thimphu, 7.8.24

GO-236, Transfer HQ to Nairobi, 8.8.24

GO-234, Transfer HQ to Sittwe, 4.8.24

GO-225, Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 4.8.24

GO-218, Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 1.8.24

GO-207, Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 31.7.24

GO-202, Transfer HQ to Canberra, 31.7.24

GO-161, Transfer HQ to London, 18.7.24

GO-480, Transfer HQ to Los Angeles, 31.7.24

GO-197, Transfer HQ to Vienna, 30.7.24

GO-477, Transfer HQ to Hanoi, 30.7.24

GO-471, Transfer Copenhagen to HQ, 28.7.24

GO-229, Transfer HQ to Colombo, 29.7.24

GO-166, Transfer Bandar Seri Begawan to Copenhagen, 18.7.24

GO-165, Transfer HQ to Manchester, 18.7.24

GO-164, Transfer HQ to  Rome, 18.7.24

GO-163, Transfer HQ to Brussels, 18.7.24

GO-162, Transfer Rome to Seoul, 18.7.24

GO-160, Transfer The Hague to Colombo, 18.7.24

GO-159, Transfer Kathmandu to HQ, 18.7.24

GO-158, Transfer Jakarta to HQ, 18.7.24

GO-157, Transfer Vienna to Seoul, 18.7.24

GO-156, Transfer Rome to Brasília, 18.7.24

GO-153, Transfer Colombo to Rome, 18.7.24

GO-152, Transfer HQ to Los Angeles, 18.7.24

GO-151, Transfer HQ to Milan, 18.7.24

GO-150, Transfer Abu Dhabi to Kuala Lumpur, 18.7.24

GO-149, Transfer HQ to Ottawa, 18.7.24

GO-143, Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 18.7.24

GO-420, Transfer Algiers to HQ, 4.7.24

GO-421, Transfer HQ to Algiers, 4.7.24

GO-196, Transfer HQ to Dubai, 4.7.24

GO-59, Transfer Bandar Seri Begawan to Athens, 3.7.24

GO-35, Transfer Baghdad to HQ, 27.6.24

GO-195, Transfer HQ to Ankara, 30.6.24

GO-22, Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 26.6.24

GO-21, Transfer Kolkata to Colombo, 26.6.24

GO-20, Transfer Colombo to Geneva, 26.6.24

GO-08, Transfer HQ to Kuwait, 25.6.24

GO-938, Transfer Port Louis to HQ, 10.6.24

GO-937, Transfer Beirut to HQ, 10.6.24

GO-931, Transfer HQ to Rome, 9.6.24

GO-930, Transfer Nairobi to The Hague, 9.6.24

GO-925, Transfer HQ to Dubai, 9.6.24

GO-175, Transfer HQ to Beijing, 4.6.24

GO-902, Transfer HQ to Beijing, 6.6.24

GO-893, Transfer HQ to Brunei, 5.6.24

GO-892, Transfer Pretoria to Jordan, 5.6.24

GO-379, Transfer Chennai to HQ, 2.6.24

GO-378, Transfer Dubai to HQ, 2.6.24

GO-377, Transfer Jeddah to HQ, 2.6.24

GO-376, Transfer Manchester to HQ, 2.6.24

GO-375, Transfer Mexico City to HQ, 2.6.24

GO-374, Transfer Jeddah to HQ, 2.6.24

GO-373, Transfer Madrid to HQ, 2.6.24

GO-372, Transfer Jeddah to HQ, 2.6.24

GO-371, Transfer Tehran to HQ, 2.6.24

GO-371, Transfer Los Angeles to HQ, 2.6.24

GO-370, Transfer London to HQ, 2.6.24

GO-369, Transfer HQ to Los Angeles, 2.6.24

GO-368, Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 2.6.24

GO-367, Transfer HQ to Dubai, 2.6.24

GO-366, Transfer HQ to Madrid, 2.6.24

GO-365, Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 2.6.24

GO-364, Transfer HQ to Beijing, 2.6.24

GO-363, Transfer HQ to Dubai, 2.6.24

GO-362, Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 2.6.24

GO-361, Transfer HQ to Manchester, 2.6.24

GO-360, Transfer HQ to Mexico City, 2.6.24

GO-359, Transfer HQ to Canberra, 2.6.24

GO-358, Transfer HQ to London, 2.6.24

GO-357, Transfer Rabat to HQ, 2.6.24

GO-356, Transfer Kuwait to HQ, 2.6.24

GO-355, Transfer Dubai to HQ, 2.6.24

GO-354, Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 2.6.24

GO-353, Transfer HQ to Kuwait, 2.6.24

GO-352, Transfer HQ to Rabat, 2.6.24

GO-351, Transfer HQ to Tehran, 2.6.24

GO-350, Transfer HQ to Hanoi, 2.6.24

GO-349, Transfer HQ to Chennai, 2.6.24

GO-841, Transfer HQ to Los Angeles, 30.5.24

GO-346, Transfer Stockholm to HQ, 30.5.24

GO-343, Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 30.5.24

GO-341, Transfer HQ to Thimphu, 30.5.24

GO-829, Transfer Jordan to Ottawa, 29.5.24

GO-336, Transfer Thimphu to HQ, 26.5.24

GO-335, Transfer HQ to Thimphu, 26.5.24

GO-321, Transfer HQ to Brussels, 20.5.24

GO-767, Transfer Bucharest to HQ, 19.5.24

GO-743, Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 15.5.24

GO-748, Transfer HQ to Kuwait, 16.5.24

GO-733, Transfer HQ to Port Louis, 15.5.24

GO-723, Transfer HQ to Lisbon, 14.5.24

GO-307, Transfer Nairobi to HQ, 13.5.24

GO-306, Transfer HQ to Nairobi, 13.5.24

GO-305, Transfer London to HQ, 13.5.24

GO-162, Transfer Kathmandu to HQ, 14.5.24

GO-161, Transfer New Delhi to HQ, 14.5.24

GO-159, Transfer HQ to Colombo, 13.5.24

GO-158, Transfer Rabat to HQ, 13.5.24

GO-157, Transfer New Delhi to HQ, 13.5.24

GO-156, Transfer Nairobi to HQ, 13.5.24

GO-155, Transfer Kolkata to HQ, 13.5.24

GO-154, Transfer Kolkata to HQ, 13.5.24

GO-153, Transfer New Delhi to HQ, 13.5.24

GO-152, Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 13.5.24

GO-151, Transfer HQ to Nairobi, 13.5.24

GO-149-1, Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 13.5.24

GO-149, Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 13.5.24

GO-148, Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 13.5.24

GO-147, Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 13.5.24

GO-146, Transfer HQ to Dubai, 13.5.24

GO-145, Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 13.5.24

GO-144, Transfer HQ to Beijing, 13.5.24

GO-143, Transfer HQ to Ankara, 13.5.24

GO-142, Transfer HQ to Colombo, 13.5.24

GO-141, Transfer HQ to Rabat, 13.5.24

GO-311, Transfer HQ to Manama, 14.5.24

GO-718, Transfer HQ to Ankara, 13.5.24

GO-711, Transfer Dubai to HQ, 12.5.24

GO-707, Transfer The Hague to HQ, 8.5.24

GO-717, Transfer HQ to New York, 13.5.24

GO-697, Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 8.5.24

GO-688, Transfer HQ to Beijing, 6.5.24

GO-686, Transfer HQ to Manila, 6.5.24

GO-133, Transfer HQ to Bangkok, 5.5.24

GO-539, Transfer Jeddah to Brussels. 15.4.24

GO-537, Transfer Brussels to Riyadh. 15.4.24

GO-296, Transfer Thimphu to HQ, 5.5.24

GO-295, Transfer HQ to Thimphu, 5.5.24

GO-632, Transfer Beijing to Vienna, 25.4.24

GO-631, Transfer Lisbon to New Delhi, 25.4.24

GO-635, Transfer New York to Mexico, 25.4.24

GO-630, Transfer Washington, D.C to Dubai, 25.4.24

GO-629, Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C, 25.4.24

GO-628, Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 25.4.24

GO-627, Transfer HQ to Los Angeles, 25.4.24

GO-626, Transfer HQ to Beijing, 25.4.24

GO-625, Transfer Tokyo to HQ, 25.4.24

GO-624, Transfer HQ to Florida, 25.4.24

GO-623, Transfer New York to HQ, 25.4.24

GO-622, Transfer Brussels to New Delhi, 25.4.24

GO-620, Transfer HQ to Canberra, 25.4.24

GO-619, Transfer HQ to New York, 25.4.24

GO-131, Transfer HQ to Kuwait, 28.4.24

GO-275, Transfer HQ to Karachi, 24.4.24

GO-124, Transfer HQ to Kuwait 24.4.24

GO-261, Transfer HQ to New York, 18.4.24

GO-256, Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 18.4.24

GO-263, Transfer HQ to Kathmandu, 18.4.24

GO-249, Transfer HQ to Karachi, 18.4.24

GO-252, Transfer HQ to Ottawa, 18.4.24

GO-572, Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 17.4.24

GO-571, Transfer HQ to Ottawa, 17.4.24

GO-551, Transfer HQ to Port Louis, 15.4.24

GO-549, Transfer HQ to Canberra, 15.4.24

GO-548, Transfer HQ to Canberra, 15.4.24

GO-547, Transfer Canberra to HQ, 15.4.24

GO-546, Transfer HQ to Ankara, 15.4.24

GO-545, Transfer Singapore to HQ, 15.4.24

GO-544, Transfer Canberra to Seoul, 15.4.24

GO-542, Transfer HQ to London, 15.4.24

GO-541, Transfer Copenhagen to Jeddah, 15.4.24

GO-540, Transfer HQ to Vienna, 15.4.24

GO-538, Transfer HQ to Brussels, 15.4.24

GO-536, Transfer Brussels to Riyadh, 15.4.24

GO-535, Transfer Riyadh to HQ, 15.4.24

GO-531, Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 15.4.24

GO-464, Transfer HQ to Singapore, 31.3.24

GO-446, Transfer New Delhi to HQ, 25.3.24

GO-445, Transfer Madrid to HQ, 25.3.24

GO-444, Transfer Kathmandu to HQ, 25.3.24

GO-443, Transfer Tokyo to HQ, 25.3.24

GO-442, Transfer Florida to HQ, 25.3.24

GO-441, Transfer Geneva to HQ, 25.3.24

GO-440, Transfer New Delhi to HQ, 25.3.24

GO-439, Transfer Jeddah to HQ, 25.3.24

GO-460, Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 31.3.24

GO-205, Transfer HQ to Kathmandu, 25.3.24

GO-429, Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 24.3.24

GO-427, Transfer Pakistan to HQ, 24.3.24

GO-102, Transfer Kolkata to HQ, 24.3.24

GO-101, Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 24.3.24

GO-198, Transfer HQ to Stockholm, 21.3.24

GO-401, Transfer HQ to Manama, 18.3.24

GO-393, Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 14.3.24

GO-390, Transfer Kunming to Mauritius, 14.3.24

GO-186, Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 12.3.24

GO-176, Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 11.3.24

GO-84, Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 7.3.24

GO-80, Transfer HQ to New York, 4.3.24

GO-328, Transfer Riyadh to HQ, 5.3.24

GO-326, Transfer HQ to Dubai, 5.3.24

GO-325, Transfer HQ to Malé, 5.3.24

GO-323, Transfer Mexico to Abu Dhabi, 5.3.24

GO-321, Transfer Athens to Kunming, 5.3.24

GO-320, Transfer New York to Riyadh, 5.3.24

GO-319, Transfer HQ to New York, 5.3.24

GO-315, Transfer HQ to New York, 5.3.24

GO-286, Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 27.2.24

GO-160, Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 28.2.24

GO-158, Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 28.2.24

GO-157, Transfer HQ to Singapore, 27.2.24

GO-280, Transfer Port Louis to HQ, 25.2.24

GO-277, Transfer Athens to HQ, 25.2.24

GO-276, Transfer Italy to HQ, 25.2.24

GO-274, Transfer Japan to HQ, 25.2.24

GO-273, Transfer Thailand to HQ, 25.2.24

GO-272, Transfer Poland to HQ, 25.2.24

GO-271, Transfer Geneva to HQ, 25.2.24

GO-270, Transfer Kuwait to HQ, 25.2.24

GO-269, Transfer Berlin to HQ, 25.2.24

GO-268, Transfer Ottawa to HQ, 25.2.24

GO-154, Transfer HQ to Colombo, 27.2.24

GO-153, Transfer HQ to Ankara, 27.2.24

GO-150, Transfer Berlin to HQ, 25.2.24

GO-90, Transfer HQ to Kuwait, 22.2.24

GO-71, Transfer Kuwait to HQ, 22.2.24

GO-148, Transfer Beijing to HQ, 22.2.24

GO-147, Transfer HQ to Beijing, 22.2.24

GO-146, Transfer Kuala Lumpur to HQ, 22.2.24

GO-145, Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 22.2.24

GO-144, Transfer HQ to Manama, 22.2.24

GO-123, Transfer HQ to Stockholm, 13.2.24

GO-120, Transfer HQ to New York, 13.2.24

GO-113, Transfer HQ to Abuja, 12.2.24

GO-112, Transfer HQ to Istanbul, 12.2.24

GO-108, Transfer HQ to Sydney, 08.02.24

GO-107, Transfer HQ to Dubai, 8.2.24

GO-85, Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 31.1.24

GO-98, Transfer HQ to Muscat, 29.1.24

GO-81, Transfer HQ to London, 30.1.24

GO-79, Transfer HQ to Beijing, 28.1.24

GO-70, Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 28.1.24

GO-61, Transfer HQ to Tashkent, 25.1.24

GO-55, Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 22.1.24

GO-76, Transfer Bandar Seri Begawan to Paris, 17.1.24

GO-75, Transfer HQ to Bandar Seri Begawan, 17.1.24

GO-74, Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 17.1.24

GO-73, Transfer HQ to Lisbon, 17.1.24

GO-72, Transfer HQ to Manama, 17.1.24

GO-71, Transfer HQ to Manila, 17.1.24

GO-70, Transfer HQ to Singapore, 17.1.24

GO-36, Transfer Ankara to HQ, 17.1.24

GO-35, Transfer HQ to Ankara, 17.1.24

GO-34, Transfer HQ to Brussels, 17.1.24

GO-33, Transfer Sydney to HQ, 17.1.24

GO-31, Transfer HQ to Geneva, 17.1.24

GO-30, Transfer HQ to Geneva, 17.1.24

GO-29, Transfer HQ to Sydney, 17.1.24

GO-38, Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 17.1.24

GO-47, Transfer HQ to Sydney, 11.1.24

GO-366, Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C, 27.11.23

GO-06, Transfer HQ to İstanbul, 1.1.24

GO-824, Transfer HQ to Dubai, 1.1.24

GO-514, Transfer HQ to Jakarta, 28.12.23

GO-814, Transfer HQ to Addis Ababa, 27.12.23

GO-812, Transfer HQ to New York, 26.12.23

GO-369, Transfer HQ to Milan, 26.12.23

GO-805, Transfer HQ to Copenhagen, 24.12.23

GO-799, Transfer Stockholm to HQ, 21.12.23

GO-359, Transfer HQ to Ankara, 21.12.23

GO-358, Transfer HQ to Baghdad, 21.12.23

GO-783, Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C, 19.12.23

GO-782, Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C, 19.12.23

GO-777, Transfer New Delhi to HQ, 13.12.23

GO-346, Transfer Bangkok to HQ, 12.12.23

GO-345, Transfer Canberra to HQ, 12.12.23

GO-344, Transfer London to HQ, 12.12.23

GO-343, Transfer HQ to London, 12.12.23

GO-342, Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 12.12.23

GO-341, Transfer HQ to Kuwait, 12.12.23

GO-340, Transfer HQ to New York, 12.12.23

GO-339, Transfer HQ to Canberra, 12.12.23

GO-338, Transfer HQ to Bangkok, 12.12.23

GO-425, Transfer HQ to Jakarta, 10.12.23

GO-769, Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 10.12.23

GO-765, Transfer Kuwait to HQ, 10.12.23

GO-759, Transfer HQ to Athens, 6.12.23

GO-419, Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 7.12.23

GO-417, Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C, 6.12.23

GO-409, Transfer HQ to Nairobi, 5.12.23

GO-750, Transfer New Delhi to HQ, 3.12.23

GO-749, Transfer Addis Ababa to HQ, 3.12.23

GO-748, Transfer New York to HQ, 3.12.23

GO-747, Transfer New York to HQ, 3.12.23

GO-746, Transfer New York to HQ, 3.12.23

GO-745, Transfer HQ to Beijing, 3.12.23

GO-744, Transfer HQ to New York, 3.12.23

GO-743, Transfer HQ to Addis Ababa, 3.12.23

GO-742, Transfer HQ to Ottawa, 3.12.23

GO-741, Transfer HQ to New York, 3.12.23

GO-740, Transfer HQ to New York, 3.12.23

GO-739, Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 3.12.23

GO-738, Transfer Islamabad to HQ, 3.12.23

GO-732, Transfer HQ to London, 3.12.23

GO-401, Transfer Geneva to HQ, 4.12.23

GO-328, Transfer Sittwe to HQ, 3.12.23

GO-388, Transfer HQ to Tokyo, 3.12.23

GO-726, Transfer London to HQ, 27.11.23

GO-725, Transfer Tashkent to HQ, 27.11.23

GO-724, Transfer Muscat to HQ, 27.11.23

GO-723, Transfer Kuala Lumpur to HQ, 27.11.23

GO-722, Transfer HQ to Colombo, 27.11.23

GO-721, Transfer HQ to Tashkent, 27.11.23

GO-720, Transfer HQ to Muscat, 27.11.23

GO-719, Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 27.11.23

GO-729, Transfer HQ to Tehran, 258.11.23

GO-365, Transfer HQ to Rome, 27.11.23

GO-352, Transfer HQ to Algiers, 23.11.23

GO-348, Transfer HQ to Kuwait, 22.11.23

GO-314, Transfer Riyadh to HQ, 21.11.23

GO-312, Transfer HQ to Lisbon, 19.11.23

GO-696, Transfer HQ to Canberra, 15.11.23

GO-689, Transfer HQ to Singapore, 13.11.23

GO-293, Transfer HQ to Tokyo, 13.11.23

GO-284, Transfer HQ to Baghdad, 12.11.23

GO-684, Transfer Geneva to HQ, 9.11.23

GO-679, Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 8.11.23

GO-258, Transfer Manama to HQ, 6.11.23

GO-670, Transfer HQ to Agartala, 1.11.23

GO-208, Transfer Rome to HQ, 26.10.23

GO-203, Transfer HQ to Berlin, 25.10.23

GO-649, Transfer HQ to Birmingham, 17.10.23

GO-646, Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 17.10.23

GO-284, Transfer Kolkata to HQ, 16.10.236

GO-131, Transfer Ottawa to Morocco, 12.10.23

GO-637, Transfer HQ to London, 12.10.23

GO-636, Transfer HQ to New York, 12.10.23

GO-624, Transfer Doha to HQ, 9.10.23

GO-615, Transfer HQ to Manchester, 4.10.23

GO-600, Transfer HQ to Birmingham, 27.9.23

GO-604, Transfer HQ to Kathmandu, 27.9.23

GO-601, Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 27.9.23

GO-589, Transfer HQ to Berlin, 25.9.23

GO-261, Transfer HQ to Berlin, 25.9.23

GO-260, Transfer HQ to Cairo, 25.9.23

GO-257, Transfer HQ to Doha, 21.9.23

GO-10, Transfer HQ to Ankara, 21.9.23

GO-254, Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 20.9.23

GO-1182, Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 17.9.23

GO-1181, Transfer HQ to Baghdad, 17.9.23

GO-1180, Transfer HQ to Istanbul, 17.9.23

GO-1179, Transfer HQ to Kuwait, 17.9.23

GO-1178, Transfer HQ to Rome, 17.9.23

GO-1175, Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 17.9.23

GO-1138, Transfer HQ to Warsaw, 11.9.23

GO-553, Transfer HQ to New York, 5.9.23

GO-1121, Transfer Khartoum to HQ, 3.9.23

GO-1119, Transfer Khartoum to HQ, 3.9.23

GO-549, Transfer Khartoum to HQ, 4.9.23

GO-546, Transfer HQ to Ankara, 31.8.23

GO-528, Transfer HQ to London, 30.8.23

GO-532, Transfer HQ to Tashkent, 31.8.23

GO-1101, Transfer HQ to New York, 30.8.23

GO-521, Transfer HQ to Tripoli, 30.8.23

GO-1096, Transfer New Delhi to HQ, 29.8.23

GO-1095, Transfer İstanbul to Geneva, 29.8.23

GO-1094, Transfer HQ to Lisbon, 29.8.23

GO-1093, Transfer Sydney to Dubai, 29.8.23

GO-1092, Transfer HQ to Toronto, 29.8.23

GO-1091, Transfer HQ to Sydney, 29.8.23

GO-229, Transfer HQ to Seoul, 28.8.23

GO-1069, Transfer Addis Ababa to HQ, 27.8.23

GO-512, Transfer HQ to Doha, 27.8.23

GO-1055, Transfer HQ to Lebanon, 23.8.23

GO-499, Transfer HQ to Tokyo, 23.8.23

GO-1029, Transfer HQ to The Hague, 20.8.23

GO-492, Transfer HQ to Dubai, 17.8.23

GO-212, Transfer HQ to Sittwe, 17.8.23

GO-491, Transfer HQ to Warsaw, 17.8.23

GO-485, Transfer HQ to Abu Dhabi, 16.8.23

GO-1006, Transfer HQ to Ethiopia, 14.8.23

GO-970, Transfer Bahrain to HQ, 9.8.23

GO-482, Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 13.8.23

GO-1000, Transfer HQ to Austria, 14.8.23

GO-471, Transfer HQ to Brussels, 9.8.23

GO-470, Transfer HQ to London, 9.8.23

GO-469, Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C, 9.8.23

GO-468, Transfer HQ to Athens, 9.8.23

GO-467, Transfer London to HQ, 9.8.23

GO-466, Transfer Washington, D.C. to HQ, 9.8.23

GO-465, Transfer The Hague to HQ, 9.8.23

GO-967, Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 8.8.23

GO-933, Transfer Dubai to HQ, 6.8.23

GO-441, Transfer HQ to Tokyo, 3.8.23

GO-439, Transfer HQ to Athens, 2.8.23

GO-908, Transfer New York to Uzbekistan, 1.8.23

GO-856, Transfer HQ to Nairobi, 24.7.23

GO-435, Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 1.8.23

GO-835, Transfer HQ to Lebanon, 20.7.23

GO-432, Transfer HQ to London, 31.7.23

GO-885 Transfer HQ to New York, 27.7.23

GO-176, Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 24.7.23

GO-177, Transfer HQ to Milan, 24.7.23

GO-411, Transfer HQ to Tashkent, 24.7.23

GO-410, Transfer HQ to Copenhagen, 24.7.23

GO-409, Transfer HQ to New York, 24.7.23

GO-408, Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 24.7.23

GO-406, Transfer HQ to Ankara, 24.7.23

GO-405, Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C, 24.7.23

GO-404, Transfer HQ to New York, 24.7.23

GO-407, Transfer HQ to Dubai, 24.7.23

GO-874, Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 26.07.23

GO-413, Transfer HQ to Doha, 25.7.23

GO-403, Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 24.7.23

GO-398, Transfer HQ to Rome, 23.7.23

GO-827, Transfer New York to HQ, 19.7.23

GO-386, Transfer HQ to Kathmandu, 16.7.23

GO-808, Transfer Morocco to  HQ, 13.7.23

GO-807, Transfer Malaysia to  HQ, 13.7.23

GO-682, Transfer HQ to Ankara, 5.6.23

GO-767, Transfer HQ to New York, 10.7.23

GO-765, Transfer Italy to Malaysia, 9.7.23

GO-764, Transfer HQ to Addis Ababa, 9.7.23

GO-762, Transfer Egypt to Italy, 9.7.23

GO-761, Transfer Vietnam to Egypt, 9.7.23

GO-760, Transfer Toronto to Vietnam, 9.7.23

GO-759, Transfer Mauritius to Portugal, 6.7.23

GO-358, Transfer HQ to Athens, 10.7.23

GO-152, Transfer HQ to Amman, 26.6.23

GO-664, Transfer Washington D.C to HQ, 4.6.23

GO-334, Transfer HQ to Milan, 22.6.23

GO-333, Transfer New York to HQ, 21.6.23

GO-329, Transfer HQ to Istanbul, 20.6.23

GO-730, Transfer HQ to London, 20.6.23

GO-324, Transfer HQ to Yangon, 18.6.23

GO-147, Transfer HQ to Sittwe, 11.6.23

GO-305, Transfer HQ to Agartala, 8.6.23

GO-306, Transfer Agartala to HQ, 8.6.23

GO-303, Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C. 8.6.23

GO-687, Transfer HQ to The Hague, 6.6.23

GO-683, Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 5.6.23

GO-681, Transfer HQ to Tokyo, 5.6.23

GO-680, Transfer Seoul to Beijing, 5.6.23

GO-679, Transfer Singapore to HQ, 5.6.23

GO-678, Transfer London to Seoul, 5.6.23

GO-677, Transfer Seoul to Beijing, 5.6.23

GO-676, Transfer Kuwait to Moscow, 5.6.23

GO-675, Transfer New York to Toronto, 5.6.23

GO-669, Transfer Moscow to New Delhi, 4.6.23

GO-668, Transfer New York to Hanoi, 4.6.23

GO-667, Transfer HQ to New York, 4.6.23

GO-666, Transfer Washington D.C to Kuwait, 4.6.23

GO-654 Transfer HQ to Libya, 1.6.23

GO-295, Transfer HQ to Sittwe, 31.5.23

GO-276, Transfer HQ to London, 21.5.23

GO-275, Transfer HQ to Abu Dhabi, 21.5.23

GO-274, Transfer Abu Dhabi to HQ, 21.5.23

GO-273, Transfer HQ to Copenhagen, 21.5.23

GO-272, Transfer Beijing, to HQ, 21.5.23

GO-271, Transfer Tokyo to HQ, 21.5.23

GO-270, Transfer Islamabad to HQ, 21.5.23

GO-269, Transfer Tehran to HQ, 21.5.23

GO-268, Transfer Tashkent to HQ, 21.5.23

GO-267, Transfer Doha to HQ, 21.5.23

GO-266, Transfer Athens to HQ, 21.5.23

GO-264, Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 21.5.23

GO-263, Transfer HQ to Canberra, 21.5.23

GO-262, Transfer HQ to Tokyo, 21.5.23

GO-261, Transfer HQ to Tehran, 21.5.23

GO-260, Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 21.5.23

GO-259, Transfer HQ to Tokyo, 21.5.23

GO-258, Transfer HQ to Madrid, 21.5.23

GO-257, Transfer HQ to Tashkent, 21.5.23

GO-256, Transfer HQ to Doha, 21.5.23

GO-255, Transfer HQ to Athens, 21.5.23

GO-253, Transfer HQ to Tokyo, 21.5.23

GO-252, Transfer HQ to Brussels, 21.5.23

GO-251, Transfer HQ to Birmingham, 21.5.23

GO-619, Transfer HQ to Yangon, 23.5.23

GO-127, Transfer HQ to Berlin, 21.5.23

GO-124, Transfer Islamabad to HQ, 21.5.23

GO-123, Transfer Ankara to HQ, 21.5.23

GO-122, Transfer Doha to HQ, 21.5.23

GO-121, Transfer Cairo to HQ, 21.5.23

GO-120, Transfer Baghdad to HQ, 21.5.23

GO-118, Transfer HQ to Ankara, 21.5.23

GO-117, Transfer HQ to Seoul, 21.5.23

GO-116, Transfer HQ to Doha, 21.5.23

GO-115, Transfer HQ to Beijing, 21.5.23

GO-114, Transfer HQ to Cairo, 21.5.23

GO-112, Transfer HQ to Baghdad, 21.5.23

GO-593, Transfer Rabat to HQ, 17.5.23

GO-592, Transfer Algiers to HQ, 17.5.23

GO-243, Transfer London to HQ, 17.5.23

GO-242, Transfer Copenhagen to HQ, 17.5.23

GO-111, Transfer Sittwe to HQ, 17.5.23

GO-599, Transfer Lebanon to HQ, 17.5.23

GO-598, Transfer Uzbekistan to HQ, 17.5.23

GO-239, Transfer HQ to Dubai, 14.5.23

GO-238, Transfer HQ to Agartala, 14.5.23

GO-233, Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 11.5.23

GO-572, Transfer HQ to Libya, 10.5.23

GO-571, Transfer HQ to Austria, 10.5.23

GO-213, Transfer HQ to Agartala, 30.4.23

GO-211, Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 27.4.23

GO-212, Transfer HQ to New York, 27.04.23

GO-499, Transfer Lisbon to HQ, 17.4.23

GO-425, Transfer HQ to Geneva, 2.4.23

GO-168, Transfer Tokyo to HQ, 27.3.23

GO-167, Transfer Washington, D.C. to HQ,  27.3.23

GO-166, Transfer Abuja to HQ, 27.3.23

GO-165, Transfer Agartala to HQ, 27.3.23

GO-164, Transfer Port Louis to HQ, 27.3.23

GO-163, Transfer Milan to HQ, 27.3.23

GO-162, Transfer Washington, D.C. to HQ,  27.3.23

GO-161, Transfer Rome to HQ, 27.3.23

GO-160, Transfer HQ to Rome, 27.3.23

GO-159, Transfer HQ to Agartala, 27.3.23

GO-158, Transfer HQ to Abuja, 27.3.23

GO-157, Transfer HQ to Port Louis, 27.3.23

GO-156, Transfer HQ to Athens, 27.3.23

GO-155, Transfer HQ to Sittwe, 27.3.23

GO-154, Transfer HQ to Milan, 27.3.23

GO-153, Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C. 27.3.23

GO-148, Transfer HQ to Yangon, 22.3.23

GO-140, Transfer Doha to HQ, 20.3.23

GO-139, Transfer Kolkata to HQ, 20.3.23

GO-138, Transfer Islamabad to HQ, 20.3.23

GO-137, Transfer Berlin to HQ, 20.3.23

GO-136, Transfer HQ to Doha, 20.3.23

GO-135, Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 20.3.23

GO-134, Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 20.3.23

GO-133, Transfer HQ to Berlin, 20.3.23

GO-132, Transfer HQ to Tripoli, 20.3.23

GO-374, Transfer HQ to Ottawa, 20.3.23

GO-368, Transfer Pretoria to HQ, 19.3.23

GO-363, Transfer to Myanmar to Iran, 19.3.23

GO-347, Transfer Jakarta to HQ, 14.3.23

GO-331, Transfer HQ to London, 9.3.23

GO-72, Transfer HQ to Manama, 9.3.23

GO-326, Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 8.3.23

GO-119, Transfer HQ to Dubai, 7.3.23

GO-327, Transfer HQ to Dubai, 7.3.23

GO-320, Transfer HQ to Yangon, 5.3.23

GO-111, Transfer HQ to Kunming, 5.3.23

GO-71, Transfer HQ to Rome, 2.3.23

GO-63, Transfer HQ to Brussels, 20.2.23

GO-237, Transfer HQ to Türkiye, 17.2.23

GO-234, Concurrent Accreditation to Panama, 15.2.23

GO-220, Transfer HQ to Bucharest, 12.2.23

GO-215, Transfer HQ to Dubai, 9.2.23

GO-211, Transfer HQ to London, 9.2.23

GO-148, Transfer Riyadh to HQ, 11.2.23

GO-75, Transfer HQ to Miami, 9.2.23

GO-198, Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 9.2.23

GO-42, Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 9.2.23

GO-71, Transfer HQ to Copenhagen, 9.2.23

GO-73, Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 9.2.23

GO-68, Transfer HQ to Dubai, 8.2.23

GO-185, Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 5.2.23

GO-173, Transfer HQ to Geneva, 1.2.23

GO-32, Transfer HQ to The Hague, 1.2.23

GO-164, Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 31.1.23

GO-163, Transfer HQ to Karachi, 31.1.23

GO-07, Transfer HQ to Türkiye, 2.1.23

GO-134, Transfer HQ to Malé, 26.1.23

GO-132, Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 26.1.23

GO-130, Transfer HQ to London, 25.1.23

GO-122, Transfer Vienna to HQ, 24.1.23

GO-45, Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 24.1.23

GO-117, Transfer HQ to The Hague, 23.1.23

GO-110, Transfer HQ to London, 22.1.23

GO-41, Transfer HQ to Dubai, 19.1.23

GO-19, Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 19.1.23

GO-30, Transfer HQ to Beijing, 18.1.23

GO-11, Transfer HQ to Paris, 12.1.23

GO-23, Transfer HQ to Lisbon, 12.1.23

GO-20, Transfer HQ to Karachi, 9.1.23

GO-12, Transfer HQ to Berlin, 5.1.23

GO-10, Transfer HQ to Thimphu, 5.1.23

GO-999, Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 29.12.22

GO-987, Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 22.12.22

GO-980, Transfer HQ to Dubai, 22.12.22

GO-1925, Transfer HQ to London, 21.12.22

GO-977, Transfer HQ to Manchester, 21.12.22

GO-972, Transfer HQ to London, 21.12.22

GO-1923, Transfer HQ to Jakarta, 20.12.22

GO-1898, Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 18.12.22

GO-1899, Transfer HQ to Athens, 18.12.22

GO-503, Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 15.12.22

GO-1871, Transfer Tokyo to HQ, 8.12.22

GO-1870, Transfer Tripoli to HQ, 8.12.22

GO-1868, Transfer HQ to The Hague, 9.12.22

GO-1849, Transfer HQ to New York, 4.12.22

GO-1837, Transfer New Delhi to Port Louis, 4.12.22

GO-1845, Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 5.12.22

GO-1846, Transfer HQ to Malé, 5.12.22

GO-1839, Transfer Vienna to Riyadh, 4.12.22

GO-1838, Transfer Lisbon to Doha, 4.12.22

GO-1836, Transfer HQ to Bucharest, 4.12.22

GO-933, Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 1.12.22

GO-928, Transfer HQ to Kathmandu, 28.11.22

GO-925, Transfer HQ to Beijing, 27.11.22

GO-1804, Transfer HQ to Thimphu, 24.11.22

GO-918, Transfer HQ to New York, 23.11.22

GO-1798, Transfer Abuja to Mumbai, 22.11.22

GO-1793, Transfer HQ to London, 21.11.22

GO-912, Transfer HQ to Dubai, 21.11.22

GO-897, Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 16.11.22

GO-1751, Transfer HQ to London, 14.11.22

GO-888, Transfer Birmingham to HQ, 13.11.22

GO-887, Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 13.11.22

GO-886, Transfer HQ to Yangon, 13.11.22

GO-885, Transfer HQ to Birmingham, 13.11.22

GO-884, Transfer HQ to Miami, 13.11.22

GO-883, Transfer Yangon to HQ, 13.11.22

GO-882, Transfer Warsaw to HQ, 13.11.22

GO-881, Transfer Sittwe to HQ, 13.11.22

GO-880, Transfer Jeddah to HQ, 13.11.22

GO-879, Transfer Kuala Lumpur to HQ, 13.11.22

GO-878, Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 13.11.22

GO-877, Transfer Amman to HQ, 13.11.22

GO-876, Transfer Brussels, to HQ, 13.11.22

GO-875, Transfer Athens to HQ, 13.11.22

GO-874, Transfer HQ to Brussels, 13.11.22

GO-873, Transfer Brussels, to HQ, 13.11.22

GO-872, Transfer HQ to Warsaw, 13.11.22

GO-871, Transfer HQ to Amman, 13.11.22

GO-870, Transfer Manchester to HQ, 13.11.22

GO-869, Transfer HQ to Manchester, 13.11.22

GO-1737 Transfer Washingtion D.C. to HQ, 10.11.22

GO-1736 Transfer Riyadh to HQ, 10.11.22

GO-1735 Transfer Malé to HQ, 10.11.22

GO-1734 Transfer Beirut to HQ, 10.11.22

GO-849 Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 9.11.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Algiers, 6.11.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 3.11.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Malé, 1.11.22

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 21.9.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Karachi, 21.9.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 21.9.22

GO-Transfer Kuala Lumpur to HQ, 25.10.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Mumbai, 25.10.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 24.10.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Toronto, 20.10.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Agartala, 19.10.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Moscow, 18.10.22

GO-Transfer Ethiopia to Qatar, 12.10.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu, 11.10.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Ankara, 11.10.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Abu Dhabi, 4.10.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 29.9.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Ankara, 29.9.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Agartala, 12.9.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Sydney, 25.9.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 21.9.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Cairo, 20.9.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 11.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva, 18.9.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 15.9.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Paris, 13.9.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kunming, 4.9.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome, 8.9.22

GO-Transfer HQ to New York, 8.9.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Doha, 8.9.22

GO-Transfer Doha to China, 5.9.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Seoul, 5.9.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Los Angeles, 31.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 29.8.22

GO-Transfer New Delhi to HQ, 25.8.22

GO-Transfer Rome to HQ, 25.8.22

GO-Transfer Tokyo to HQ, 23.8.22

GO-Transfer Singapore to HQ, 23.8.22

GO-Transfer Seoul to HQ, 23.8.22

GO-Transfer Kuala Lumpur to HQ, 23.8.22

GO-Transfer Jeddah to HQ, 23.8.22

GO-Transfer Berlin to HQ, 23.8.22

GO-Transfer Amman to HQ, 23.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Tokyo, 23.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to The Hague, 23.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Singapore, 23.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Seoul, 23.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome, 23.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Paris, 23.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Manama, 23.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 23.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 23.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 23.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Amman, 23.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Miami, 24.8.22

GO-Transfer Ankara to HQ, 22.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 8.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Yangon, 21.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva, 21.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu, 17.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Dubai, 17.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva, 14.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Agartala, 14.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Mumbai, 8.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Pretoria, 4.8.22

GO-Transfer Geneva to Beirut, 2.8.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 3.8.22

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Uganda, 31.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 1.8.22

GO-Transfer Thimphu to Copenhagen, 31.7.22

GO-Transfer Copenhagen to Canberra, 31.7.22

GO-Transfer Canberra to Geneva, 31.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kunming, 27.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Muscat, 31.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Manama, 31.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 28.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 28.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Dubai, 27.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Dubai, 27.7.22

GO-Transfer Dubai to HQ, 27.7.22

GO-Transfer Dubai to HQ, 27.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Milan, 21.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Sydney, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to New York, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to New York, 13.7.22(3)

GO-Transfer HQ to New York, 13.7.22(2)

GO-Transfer HQ to New York, 13.7.22(1)

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Mumbai, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Moscow, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Malé, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Lisbon, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kunming, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Karachi, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Doha, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Copenhagen, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Berlin, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Athens, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Ankara, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Algiers, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Abu Dhabi, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer New York to HQ, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer New York to HQ, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer New York to HQ, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer New York to HQ, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer New Delhi to HQ, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer Kunming to HQ, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer Kuala Lumpur to HQ, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer Kathmandu to HQ, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer Copenhagen to HQ, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer Berlin to HQ, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer Athens to HQ, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer Ankara to HQ, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer Algiers to HQ, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer Abu Dhabi to HQ, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer Washington, D.C to HQ, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer New Delhi to USA, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer Geneva to India, 13.7.22

GO-Transfer Baghdad to HQ, 7.7.22

GO-Transfer Beijing to HQ, 7.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Bucharest, 4.7.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra, 29.6.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra, 30.6.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 30.6.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Agartala, 26.6.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Rabat, 22.6.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Berlin, 22.6.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Agartala, 21.6.22

GO-Transfer Vienna to New York, 20.6.22

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 19.6.22

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 19.6.22

GO-Transfer New York to HQ, 19.6.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Bucharest, 19.6.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Abu Dhabi, 19.6.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa, 14.6.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 9.6.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Stockholm, 2.6.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok, 5.6.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok, 5.6.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 18.5.22

GO-Transfer Kolkata to HQ, 30.5.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Agartala, 25.5.22

GO-Transfer Kuala Lumpur to Guwahati, 22.5.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 22.5.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu, 22.5.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva, 19.5.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Abu Dhabi, 19.5.22

GO-Transfer Kolkata to HQ, 18.5.22

GO-Transfer Paris to HQ, 18.5.22

GO-Transfer HQ to London, 18.5.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Dubai, 18.5.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok, 17.5.22

GO-Transfer HQ to New York, 17.5.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 10.5.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome, 9.5.22

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 9.5.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok, 9.5.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok, 9.5.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Yangon, 9.5.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Thimphu, 9.5.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Singapore, 9.5.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva, 9.5.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Beijing, 9.5.22

GO-Transfer Beijing to HQ, 9.5.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra, 28.4.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa, 27.4.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa, 27.4.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra, 27.4.22

GO for Cancellation of Posting Order, 26.4.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 26.4.22

GO-Transfer Lisbon to Port Louis, 25.4.22

GO-Transfer Kunming to HQ, 25.4.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Singapore, 26.4.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Rabat, 25.4.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kunming, 25.4.22

GO-Transfer Baghdad to Abuja, 25.4.22

GO-Transfer Abuja to HQ, 25.4.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Thimphu, 26.4.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Ankara, 26.4.22

GO-Transfer The Hague to HQ, 21.4.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 21.4.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Birmingham, 18.4.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 13.4.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa, 7.4.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Sittwe, 7.4.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Los Angeles, 7.4.22

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 7.4.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Madrid, 6.4.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Los Angeles, 4.4.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Tehran, 4.4.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Cairo, 4.4.22

GO-Transfer Milan to HQ, 31.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva, 27.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Hong Kong, 31.03.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Hong Kong, 31.03.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Hong Kong, 31.03.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C. 30.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Los Angeles, 29.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Cairo, 28.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Muscat, 27.3.22

GO-Transfer Kolkata to Washington D.C. 27.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 27.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Milan, 27.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 27.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 27.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Bucharest, 27.3.22

GO- Transfer London to HQ, 27.3.22

GO- Transfer HQ to London, 27.3.22

GO-Transfer Rome to HQ, 27.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Manchester, 27.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Miami, 27.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu, 27.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Manama, 22.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 22.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Thimphu, 21.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Thimphu, 21.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 20.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Vienna, 20.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra, 20.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C. 16.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 16.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 16.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Male, 16.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva, 16.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Muscat, 14.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Paris, 13.3.22

GO-Transfer Oman to Stockholm, 10.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Stockholm, 10.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Agartala, 13.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Jakarta, 10.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Doha, 9.3.22

GO-Transfer Tehran to HQ, 7.3.22

GO-Transfer Seoul to HQ, 7.3.22

GO-Transfer Manama to HQ, 7.3.22

GO-Transfer London to HQ, 7.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Tehran, 7.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Seoul, 7.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Paris, 8.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Manama, 7.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to London, 7.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Ankara, 7.3.22

GO-Transfer Ankara to HQ, 7.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Stockholm, 7.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Manama, 6.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 6.3.22

GO-Transfer Manama to HQ, 6.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Tripoli, 6.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok, 2.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to New York, 1.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Milan, 1.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 1.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 1.3.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C. 27.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Tripoli, 27.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Cairo, 24.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Maldives, 23.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to London, 22.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 22.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 20.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Birmingham, 20.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Paris, 20.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 20.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Doha, 20.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 17.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome, 17.2.22

GO-Transfer Manchester to HQ, 14.2.22

GO-Transfer Washington D.C to Nairobi, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer Sydney to HQ, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer New Delhi to Amman, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer New Delhi to Amman, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer Los Angeles to Doha, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Los Angeles, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Berlin, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Athens, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Ankara, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer Geneva to HQ, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer Doha to HQ, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer Bangkok to HQ, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer Amman to Tokyo, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer Sydney to HQ, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer New Delhi to HQ, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer New Delhi to HQ, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer Madrid to HQ, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Madrid, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Abu Dhabi, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer Abu Dhabi to HQ, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Yangon, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Wales, 9.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Port Louis, 9.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok, 10.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to London, 6.2.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Karachi, 2.2.22

GO-Transfer Jeddah to HQ, 24.1.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Toronto, 31.1.22

GO-Transfer Bangkok to HQ, 27.1.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Addis Ababa, 27.1.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Colombo, 26.1.22

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 26.1.22

GO-Transfer Jeddah to HQ, 24.1.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 24.1.22

GO-Transfer HQ to The Hague, 24.1.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Vienna, 24.1.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa, 24.1.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Florida, 13.1.22

GO-Transfer Malé to HQ, 13.1.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok, 12.1.22

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 12.1.22

GO-Transfer New Delhi to HQ, 12.1.22

GO-Transfer Tripoli to HQ, 6.1.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Tripoli, 6.1.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Yangon, 5.1.22

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 3.1.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Addis Ababa, 3.1.22

GO-Transfer Addis Ababa to HQ, 3.1.22

GO-Transfer New Delhi to Sittwe, 2.1.22

GO-Transfer HQ to Hong Kong, 27.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Manila, 30.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva, 30.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Tehran, 30.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Stockholm, 30.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Muscat, 29.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Birmingham, 26.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C. 23.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to New York, 23.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Florida, 23.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Manchester, 23.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Stockholm, 14.12.21

GO-Transfer Tokyo to Kolkata, 13.12.21

GO-Transfer Riyadh to HQ, 13.12.21

GO-Transfer New York to HQ, 13.12.21

GO-Transfer New York to Brasília, 13.12.21

GO-Transfer Islamabad to HQ, 13.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C. 13.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Sydney, 13.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Paris, 14.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to New York, 13.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to London, 13.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait, 14.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva, 13.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Beijing, 13.12.21

GO-Transfer Athens to Riyadh, 13.12.21

GO-Transfer Tashkent to HQ, 12.12.21

GO-Transfer Pretoria to HQ, 12.12.21

GO-Transfer Ottawa to Tashkent, 12.12.21

GO-Transfer Muscat to HQ, 12.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Vienna, 12.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Tehran, 12.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Pretoria, 12.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Muscat, 12.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Manama, 12.12.21

GO-Transfer Bucharest to HQ, 12.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C. 12.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait, 12.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Florida, 9.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Madrid, 07.12.2021

GO-Transfer HQ to Tehran, 07.12.2021 2

GO-Transfer HQ to Tehran, 07.12.2021

GO-Transfer to Jeneva 07.12.2021

GO-Transfer New York to HQ, 6.12.21

GO-Transfer Kuala Lumpur to HQ, 6.12.21

GO-Transfer Kuala Lumpur to HQ, 6.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 6.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to New York, 6.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 6.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 6.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 6.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Beijing, 6.12.21

GO-Transfer Muscat to HQ, 5.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Sydney, 6.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 1.12.21

GO-Transfer Kuala Lumpur to HQ, 1.12.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra, 2.12.21

GO-Transfer Yangon to HQ, 29.11.21

GO-Transfer Thimphu to HQ, 29.11.21

GO-Transfer New Delhi to HQ, 29.11.21

GO-Transfer Kathmandu to HQ, 29.11.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Yangon, 29.11.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Thimphu, 29.11.21

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 29.11.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu, 29.11.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Cairo, 29.11.21

GO-Transfer Cairo to HQ, 29.11.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Dubai, 28.11.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome, 25.11.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 17.11.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Tripoli, 16.11.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 17.11.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Manchester, 17.11.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 11.11.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Paris, 11.11.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa, 11.11.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 10.11.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Manchester, 28.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra, 7.11.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Pretoria, 7.11.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Singapore, 04.11.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Mexico City, 2.11.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome, 31.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 1.11.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Agartala, 31.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Thimphu, 28.10.21

GO-Transfer Stockholm to HQ, 25.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Stockholm, 25.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome, 18.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome, 18.10.21

GO-Transfer Tokyo to Agartala, 17.10.21

GO-Transfer Paris to Bangkok, 17.10.21

GO-Transfer Paris to Bangkok, 17.10.21

GO-Transfer Manchester to Guwahati, 17.10.21

GO-Transfer London to Beijing, 17.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to The Hague, 17.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Manchester, 17.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Athens, 17.10.21

GO-Transfer Agartala to  HQ, 17.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Paris, 17.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Colombo, 14.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Abu Dhabi, 14.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Vienna, 11.10.21

GO-Transfer Vienna to HQ, 11.10.21

GO-Transfer Mexico City to HQ, 11.10.21

GO-Transfer Muscat to HQ, 11.10.21

GO-Transfer Muscat to HQ, 11.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Muscat, 11.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Muscat, 11.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Tripoli, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Stockholm, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Sittwe, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Manila, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Jakarta, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Dubai, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Brussels, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Birmingham, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer Tripoli to HQ, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer New Delhi to HQ, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer Kuwait to HQ, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer Dubai to HQ, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer Los Angeles to Kenya, 10.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Doha, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C. 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Tehran, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Milan, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Los Angeles, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Hong Kong, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Cairo, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Brussels, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer Riyadh to HQ, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer Los Angeles to HQ, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer Kuwait to HQ, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Beirut, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer Canberra to HQ, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Los Angeles, 7.10.21

GO-Transfer Male to HQ, 4.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Male, 4.10.21

GO-Transfer Geneva to HQ, 4.10.21

GO-Transfer Jeddah to HQ, 3.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C. 3.10.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 29.09.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Barlin 29.09.2021

GO-Transfer HQ to London 29.09.2021

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait, 28.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait, 27.9.21

GO-Transfer Tokyo to HQ, 26.9.21

GO-Transfer Rome to HQ, 26.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 26.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Philippines, 25.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Seoul, 23.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to London, 21.9.21

GO-Transfer Thimphu to  HQ, 19.9.21

GO-Transfer Malé to  HQ, 19.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Yangon, 19.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Thimphu, 19.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Tehran, 19.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Malé, 19.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Paris, 19.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Seoul, 16.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Ankara, 16.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Manchester, 16.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait, 15.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kunming, 14.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva, 14.9.21

GO-Transfer Geneva to HQ, 14.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Moscow, 13.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 13.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Paris, 13.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome, 13.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Agartala, 13.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Milan, 13.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Seoul, 9.9.21

GO-Transfer Seoul to HQ, 9.9.21

GO-Transfer Rome to HQ, 9.9.21

GO-Transfer Kuwait to HQ, 9.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome, 9.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome, 9.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait, 9.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to France, 9.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Sittwe, 8.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Rabat, 5.9.21

GO-Transfer Tehran to HQ, 5.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Abu Dhabi, 2.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Hong Kong, 1.9.21

GO-Transfer Hong Kong to HQ, 1.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C. 1.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to New York, 1.9.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Abu Dhabi, 2.9.21

GO-Transfer Sittwe to HQ, 31.8.21

GO-Transfer New York to HQ, 31.8.21

GO-Transfer New Delhi to Sittwe, 31.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome, 31.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 31.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 31.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Hong Kong, 31.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Brasília, 31.8.21

GO-Transfer Brasília to HQ, 31.8.21

GO-Transfer Brasília to HQ, 31.8.21

GO-Transfer Warsaw to HQ, 31.8.21

GO-Transfer Jeddah to HQ, 31.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Tripoli, 31.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 31.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Dubai, 31.8.21

GO-Transfer Dubai to HQ, 31.8.21

GO-Transfer Bangkok to Ankara, 31.8.21

GO-Transfer Ankara to HQ, 31.8.21

GO-Transfer Muscat to HQ, 12.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Agartala, 25.8.21

GO-Transfer Agartala to  HQ, 25.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Birmingham, 13.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu, 23.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa, 17.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok, 17.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 12.8.21

GO-Transfer Paris to HQ, 10.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Khartoum, 9.8.21

GO-Transfer Kuwait to HQ, 4.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome, 4.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome, 4.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Paris, 4.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Mexico City, 4.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to London, 4.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Berlin, 4.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to New York, 19.7.21

GO-Transfer Tehran to HQ, 2.8.21

GO-Transfer New York to Brazil, 2.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu, 28.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra, 1.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok, 12.7.21

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Panama, 2.8.21

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to East Timor, 2.8.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C. 29.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Singapore, 29.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 29.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa, 29.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa, 29.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Nairobi, 29.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Istanbul, 29.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Florida, 29.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Dubai, 29.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra, 29.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Beirut, 29.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Ankara, 29.7.21

GO-Transfer Ottawa to HQ, 29.7.21

GO-Transfer Ottawa to HQ, 29.7.21

GO-Transfer Nairobi to HQ, 29.7.21

GO-Transfer Istanbul to HQ, 29.7.21

GO-Transfer Dubai to HQ, 29.7.21

GO-Transfer Ankara to HQ, 29.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Abu Dhabi, 28.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 18.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Birmingham, 7.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Baghdad, 25.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Abu Dhabi, 18.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Chennai, 19.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Seoul, 19.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 15.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 15.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 15.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 15.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington D.C. 15.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Manchester, 15.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok, 12.7.21

GO-Transfer Yangon to HQ, 11.7.21

GO-Transfer Tehran to HQ, 11.7.21

GO-Transfer Riyadh to HQ, 11.7.21

GO-Transfer Jeddah to HQ, 11.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Yangon, 11.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Tehran, 11.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Seoul, 11.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 11.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 11.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra, 13.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Agartala, 11.7.21

GO-Transfer Agartala to HQ, 11.7.21

GO-Transfer New Delhi to HQ, 12.7.2021

GO-Transfer Washington, D.C. to HQ, 8.7.21

GO-Transfer London to HQ, 8.7.21

GO-Transfer Kolkata to HQ, 8.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Doha, 8.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Colombo, 8.7.21

GO-Transfer Geneva to Beirut, 8.7.21

GO-Transfer Seoul to Mexico City, 5.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Seoul, 5.7.21

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Azerbaijan, 5.7.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Milan, 30.6.21

GO-Transfer The Hague to HQ, 30.6.21

GO-Transfer Stockholm to Kathmandu, 30.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Stockholm, 30.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Florida, 30.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra, 30.6.21

GO-Transfer Geneva to Manama, 30.6.21

GO-Transfer Berlin to HQ, 30.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to London, 30.6.21

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Jamaica, 27.6.21

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Andorra, 28.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Colombo, 28.6.21

GO-Transfer Nairobi to HQ, 23.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu, 28.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Chennai, 27.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Baghdad, 27.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Chennai, 27.6.21

GO-Transfer Ottawa to Mumbai, 24.6.21

GO-Transfer New York to Istanbul, 24.6.21

GO-Transfer Moscow to Riyadh, 24.6.21

GO-Transfer Istanbul to New York, 24.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to HongKong, 24.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Abu Dhabi, 24.6.21

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Republic of the Congo, 24.6.21

GO-Transfer Hong Kong to HQ, 23.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Khartoum, 30.5.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Florida, 22.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Stockholm, 20.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Doha, 17.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Stockholm, 17.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Tripoli, 16.6.21

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to South Sudan, 14.6.21

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Burundi, 14.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to London, 13.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa, 13.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Manchester, 13.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Copenhagen, 10.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Madrid, 8.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Libya, 9.6.21

GO-Transfer Yangon to HQ, 8.6.21

GO-Transfer Yangon to HQ, 8.6.21

GO-Transfer Washington, D.C. to Mumbai, 8.6.21

GO-Transfer Nairobi to HQ, 8.6.21

GO-Transfer Kuala Lumpur to HQ, 8.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva, 8.6.21

GO-Transfer Canberra to Bangkok, 8.6.21

GO-Transfer Bangkok to Nairobi, 8.6.21

GO-Transfer Rome to Yangon, 8.6.21

GO-Transfer Rome to Yangon, 8.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra, 8.6.21

GO-Transfer Manila to HQ, 7.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to New York, 03.06.21

GO-Transfer Canberra to Khartoum, 1.6.21

GO-Transfer Ottawa to HQ, 1.6.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait, 31.5.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Tehran, 27.5.21

GO-Transfer Milan to HQ, 30.5.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Sittwe, 27.5.21

GO-Transfer Toronto to HQ, 25.5.21

GO-Transfer Mumbai to Toronto, 25.5.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait, 27.5.21

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Afghanistan, 25.5.21

GO-Transfer Manchester to HQ, 25.5.21

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Republic Colombia, 23.5.21

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Dominican Republic, 23.5.21

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Belize, 23.5.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Birmingham, 18.5.21

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Cuba, 18.5.21

GO-Transfer Tehran to HQ, 11.5.21

GO-Transfer HQ to New York, 12.5.21

GO-Transfer Riyadh to HQ, 6.5.21

GO-Transfer London to HQ, 6.5.21

GO-Transfer HQ to London, 6.5.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait, 9.5.21

GO-Transfer Rome to Kolkata, 5.5.21

GO-Transfer Riyadh to HQ, 5.5.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome, 5.5.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Manchester, 5.5.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Colombo, 5.5.21

GO-Transfer Colombo to HQ, 5.5.21

GO-Transfer HQ to The Hague, 29.4.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 4.5.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Sittwe, 29.4.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 28.4.21

GO-Transfer Berlin to HQ, 20.4.21

GO-Transfer Seoul to  HQ, 28.4.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Seoul, 28.4.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Colombo, 2.5.21

GO-Transfer Berlin to HQ, 13.4.21

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Tajikistan Republic, 13.4.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Madrid, 13.4.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Doha, 11.4.21

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Kyrgyz Republic, 11.4.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 8.4.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 7.4.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Iraq, 4.4.21

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Holy See, 4.4.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Addis Ababa, 6.1.21

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Cambodia, 29.3.21

GO-Transfer Mexico City to HQ, 24.3.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome, 25.3.21

GO-Transfer Toronto to HQ, 21.3.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Toronto, 21.3.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Thimphu, 22.3.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Sittwe, 21.3.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva, 21.3.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Chennai, 21.3.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok, 21.3.21

GO-Transfer Guwahati to HQ, 21.3.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Rabat, 18.3.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Malaysia, 18.3.21

GO-Transfer Paris to HQ, 18.3.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Paris, 18.3.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa, 18.3.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 16.3.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 1.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Agartala, 15.3.21

GO-Transfer HQ to London, 15.3.21

GO-Transfer  New Delhi to HQ, 15.3.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait, 14.3.21

GO-Transfer Kuwait to HQ, 14.3.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Ethiopia, 11.3.21

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 7.3.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 7.3.21

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Guinea-Bissau, 3.3.21

GO-Transfer Singapore to HQ, 4.3.21

GO-Transfer Kolkata to Dubai, 4.3.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Pretoria, 28.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to New York, 28.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 28.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Karachi, 28.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 28.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Agartala, 28.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Muscat, 1.3.21

GO-Transfer Seoul to  HQ, 28.2.21

GO-Transfer Pretoria to  HQ, 28.2.21

GO-Transfer Pretoria to  HQ, 28.2.21

GO-Transfer New York to  HQ, 28.2.21

GO-Transfer Kolkata to  HQ, 28.2.21

GO-Transfer Karachi to  HQ, 28.2.21

GO-Transfer Jeddah to HQ, 28.2.21

GO-Transfer Agartala to  HQ, 28.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Brazil, 25.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Brasília, 28.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Spain, 24.2.21

GO-Transfer Milan to HQ, 22.2.21

GO-Transfer Madrid to HQ, 22.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Rabat, 22.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Milan, 22.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Mexico City, 22.2.21

GO-Transfer Doha to HQ, 22.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome, 25.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Bandar Seri Begawan, 24.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Singapore, 18.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 16.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Muscat, 16.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 16.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Berlin, 15.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 11.2.21

GO-Transfer Rome to Port Louis, 9.2.21

GO-Transfer Beijing to Abuja, 10.2.21

GO-Transfer Bangkok to HQ, 21.1.21

GO-Transfer Ottawa to HQ, 4.2.21

GO-Transfer New Delhi to HQ, 4.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Paris, 4.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Paris, 4.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Milan, 3.2.21

GO-Transfer Geneva to New Delhi, 4.2.21

GO-Transfer Dubai to HQ, 3.2.21

GO-Transfer Manchester to Hong Kong, 3.2.21

GO-Transfer Kolkata to HQ, 3.2.21

GO-Transfer Kolkata to HQ, 3.2.21

GO-Transfer Abu Dhabi to Dubai, 3.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva, 2.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Karachi, 31.1.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Cairo, 1.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Toronto, 1.2.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Chennai, 27.1.21

GO-Transfer Singapore to HQ, 26.1.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Chennai, 26.1.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Algiers, 25.1.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu, 24.1.21

GO-Transfer Madrid to HQ, 21.1.21 

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa, 19.1.21

GO-Transfer HQ to New York, 19.1.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Doha, 19.1.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Copenhagen, 20.1.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Chennai, 20.1.21

GO-Transfer Singapore to HQ, 18.1.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Singapore, 18.1.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Abu Dhabi, 19.1.21

GO-Transfer Moscow to HQ, 14.1.21

GO-Transfer HQ to London, 11.1.21

GO-Transfer Kuala Lumpur to HQ, 10.1.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 10.1.21

GO-Transfer Jeddah to Moscow, 7.1.21

GO-Transfer Birmingham to Jeddah, 7.1.21

GO-Transfer Addis Ababa to Singapore, 6.1.21

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C. 6.1.21

GO-Transfer Paris to HQ, 31.12.20

GO-Transfer Jeddah to HQ, 28.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 28.12.20

GO for Cancellation of Diplomatic PP, 28.12.20

GO for Cancellation of Diplomatic PP, 28.12.20

GO-Transfer Hanoi to Tripoli, 28.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New York, 24.12.20

GO-Transfer Berlin to HQ, 21.12.20

GO-Transfer Ankara to HQ, 21.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to London, 20.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 21.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Algeria, 19.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Thailand, 19.12.20

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Vatican City, 15.12.20

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Rwanda,15.12.20

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Moldova,15.12.20

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Cyprus, 15.12.20

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Botswana,15.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C. 10.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Stockholm, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Sittwe, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Paris, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Muscat, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Manila, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Manchester, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to London, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Karachi, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Colombo, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Abu Dhabi, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer Washington, D.C. to HQ, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer Stockholm to HQ, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer Riyadh to HQ, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer Paris to HQ, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer New Delhi to HQ, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer New Delhi to HQ, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer Muscat to HQ, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer Manila to HQ, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer Manchester to HQ, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer London to HQ, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer Kolkata to HQ, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer Kolkata to HQ, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer Islamabad to HQ, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer Islamabad to HQ, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer Geneva to HQ, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer Colombo to HQ, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer Abu Dhabi to HQ, 10.12.20

GO-Transfer Washington, D.C. to HQ, 8.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C. 8.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Stockholm, 7.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 7.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa, 6.12.20

GO-Transfer HQ to The Hague, 3.12.20

GO-Transfer Manila to HQ, 23.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Tokyo, 19.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 17.11.20

GO-Transfer Tripoli to HQ, 16.11.20

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Malta, 16.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur, 15.11.20

GO-Transfer Ottawa to HQ, 15.11.20

GO-Transfer Bandar Seri Begawan to HQ, 12.11.20

GO-Transfer Abuja to Khartoum, 12.11.20

GO-Transfer  Port Louis to Abuja, 12.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Cairo, 12.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait, 9.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Abu Dhabi, 8.11.20

GO-Transfer Washington, D.C. to HQ, 8.11.20

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Solomon Islands, 9.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Lisbon, 7.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Brussels, 8.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Brussels, 5.11.20

GO-Transfer New York to Tokyo, 3.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Muscat, 3.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Brussels, 3.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Beijing, 2.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Algiers, 2.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Pretoria, 4.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Khartoum, 4.11.20

GO-Transfer Kathmandu to HQ, 2.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Colombo, 3.11.20

GO-Transfer Bangkok to HQ, 2.11.20

GO-Transfer Islamabad to HQ, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Jakarta, 2.11.20

GO-Transfer Rabat to Poland, 2.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New York, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Milan, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Manchester, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Islamabad, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Doha1.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Doha1.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Amman, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Abu Dhabi, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer Thimphu to HQ, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer Ottawa to HQ, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer New York to HQ, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer Milan to HQ, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer Manchester to HQ, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer Jeddah to HQ, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer Islamabad to HQ, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer Doha to HQ, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer Doha to HQ, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer Amman to HQ, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer Abu Dhabi to HQ, 1.11.20

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Somalia, 1.11.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New York, 29.10.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Tashkent, 29.10.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New York, 29.10.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Bucharest, 25.10.20

GO-Transfer Brasília to HQ, 25.10.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh, 22.10.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kunming, 25.10.20

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Djibouti, 22.10.20

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Bulgaria, 22.10.20

GO-Transfer Kolkata to Milan, 19.10.20

GO-Transfer Milan to Hong Kong, 19.10.20

GO-Transfer Toronto to HQ, 14.10.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Toronto, 14.10.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Singapore, 14.10.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata, 13.10.20

GO-Transfer Kuwait to HQ12.10.20

GO-Transfer Kuala Lumpur to HQ12.10.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva, 12.10.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Tashkent, 12.10.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Indonesia, 11.10.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur8.10.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata8.10.20

GO-Transfer Kathmandu to HQ30.9.10

GO-Transfer HQ to Beirut, 7.10.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Paris, 5.10.20

GO-Transfer Tashkent to HQ, 1.10.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Tashkent, 1.10.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Pretoria1.10.20

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to North Macedonia, 1.10.20

GO-Transfer Jeddah to HQ, 1.10.20

GO-Transfer Washingtion D.C. to HQ, 1.10.20

GO-Transfer Jeddah to HQ27.9.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Ethiopia, 24.9.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah27.9.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata27.9.20

GO-Transfer Kolkata to HQ27.9.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Bandar Seri Begawan, 22.9.20

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Slovakia17.9.20

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Palestine17.9.20

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Hungary17.9.20

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Croatia17.9.20

GO-Transfer London to HQ20.9.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Muscat20.9.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Sydney17.9.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New York17.9.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Addis Ababa17.9.20

GO-Transfer Rome to HQ14.9.20

GO-Transfer Bangkok to HQ14.9.20

GO-Transfer Baghdad to HQ14.9.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu14.9.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu14.9.20

GO-Concurrent Accreditation to Armenia10.9.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Port Louis8.9.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C.2.9.20

GO-Transfer Ottawa to Muscat2.9.20

GO-Transfer Muscat to Malaysia7.9.20

GO-Transfer Washingtion D.C. to HQ6.9.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Manama2.9.20

GO-Transfer Berlin to Kuwait2.9.20

GO-Transfer Paris to Karachi2.9.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Doha2.9.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Berlin2.9.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Beirut2.9.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok2.9.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Amman2.9.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Muscat2.9.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait26.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to London26.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Istanbul26.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New York24.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah24.8.20

GO-Transfer Thimphu to HQ23.8.20

GO-Transfer Rome to HQ23.8.20

GO-Transfer New York to HQ23.8.20

GO-Transfer Kuwait to HQ23.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome23.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New York23.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait23.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Abu Dhabi23.8.20

GO-Transfer Hanoi to HQ23.8.20

GO-Transfer Cairo to HQ23.8.20

GO-Transfer Abu Dhabi to HQ23.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to London20.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Bucharest20.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C.16.8.20

GO-Transfer Mexico City to Warsaw16.8.20

GO-Transfer Hanoi to Thimphu16.8.20

GO-Transfer Cairo to Madrid16.8.20

GO-Transfer Bandar Seri Begawan to Khartoum16.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Japan16.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Istanbul16.8.20

GO-Transfer Rome to Hanoi16.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Canada16.8.20

GO-Transfer Madrid to Cairo16.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Bandar Seri Begawan16.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait16.8.20

GO-Transfer Abuja to Rome12.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait12.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh12.8.20

GO-Transfer The Hague to HQ10.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to The Hague10.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Brasília10.8.20

GO-Transfer Brasília to HQ10.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Sydney26.7.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh 26.7.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New York26.7.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata26.7.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu26.7.20

GO-Transfer Sydney to Geneva26.7.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Florida26.7.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Dubai26.7.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Birmingham26.7.20

GO-Transfer Geneva to Abu Dhabi26.7.20

GO-Transfer New York to HQ10.8.20

GO-Transfer New Delhi to HQ10.8.20

GO-Transfer Karachi to HQ10.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Pretoria10.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New York10.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi10.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Moscow10.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Karachi10.8.20

GO-Transfer Pretoria to HQ10.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Beirut10.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Beijing10.8.20

GO-Transfer Beirut to HQ10.8.20

GO-Transfer Beijing to HQ10.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi10.8.20

GO-Transfer Jakarta to HQ9.8.20 

GO-Transfer Singapore to HQ30.7.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Singapore30.7.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi6.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Copenhagen6.8.20

GO-Transfer HQ to London30.7.20

GO-Transfer Tokyo to HQ27.7.20

GO-Transfer Singapore to HQ27.7.20

GO-Transfer Riyadh to HQ27.7.20

GO-Transfer Paris to HQ27.7.20

GO-Transfer Kolkata to HQ27.7.20

GO-Transfer Islamabad to HQ27.7.20

GO-Transfer Doha to HQ27.7.20

GO-Transfer Canberra to HQ27.7.20

GO-Transfer Canberra to HQ27.7.20

GO-Transfer Brussels to HQ27.7.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Islamabad 26.7.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Bucharest26.7.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Tashkent15.7.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait14.7.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Nepal27.4.20

GO-Transfer New York to Colombo5.7.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Tokyo30.6.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Brasília30.6.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Brunei7.6.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Beirut1.7.20

GO-Transfer Singapore to Geneva30.6.20

GO-Transfer Washington D.C. to Belgium29.6.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Saudi Arabia29.6.20

GO-Transfer New Delhi to HQ10.6.20

GO-Transfer London to HQ10.6.20

GO-Transfer Kathmandu to HQ10.6.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi10.6.20

GO-Transfer HQ to London10.6.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu10.6.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata28.6.20

GO-Transfer Kolkata to HQ28.6.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New York23.6.20

GO-Transfer Berlin to Kathmandu23.6.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Brussels23.6.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Brussels23.6.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi23.6.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Lisbon23.6.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait23.6.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu15.6.20

GO-Transfer Abu Dhabi to Agartala18.6.20

GO-Transfer Agartala to HQ18.6.20

GO-Transfer Karachi to South Africa15.6.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Bucharest27.4.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Bucharest24.3.20

GO-Transfer Colombo to Netherlands23.3.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra16.3.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur15.3.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Copenhagen15.3.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Romania10.3.20

GO-Transfer HQ to London10.3.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Japan9.3.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Maldives9.3.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Colombo9.3.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Paris8.3.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Tashkent4.3.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Tashkent4.3.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Muscat4.3.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Muscat4.3.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Mexico City4.3.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur4.3.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur4.3.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra4.3.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra4.3.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Toronto3.3.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C.27.2.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Mexico City25.2.20

GO-Transfer Mexico City to HQ25.2.20

GO-Transfer HQ to The Hague23.2.20

GO-Transfer New York to Bucharest13.2.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Pretoria13.2.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New York13.2.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Beirut13.2.20

GO-Transfer Beirut to HQ13.2.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Maldives13.2.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Addis Ababa13.2.20

GO-Transfer  Addis Ababa to HQ13.2.20

GO-Transfer London to HQ11.2.20

GO-Transfer HQ to London11.2.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva10.2.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Mumbai9.2.10

GO-Transfer HQ to Mumbai9.2.10

GO-Transfer HQ to Amman9.2.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Amman6.2.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra5.2.20

GO-Transfer Vieena to United Arab Emirates3.2.20

GO-Transfer Copenhagen to Austria3.2.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Tripoli2.2.20

GO-Transfer Yangon to HQ27.1.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Yangon27.1.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata27.1.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Brasília23.1.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New York13.1.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah23.1.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Seoul21.1.20

GO-Transfer Thimphu to HQ20.1.20

GO-Transfer New Delhi to HQ20.1.20

GO-Transfer Athens to Thimphu20.1.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi20.1.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Istanbul20.1.20

GO-Transfer The Hague to HQ20.1.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Karachi13.1.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New York13.1.20

GO-Transfer HQ to New York12.1.20

GO-Transfer London to HQ2.1.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Sydney2.1.20

GO-Transfer HQ to London2.1.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Colombo2.1.20

GO-Transfer Colombo to HQ2.1.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait2.1.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Thimphu2.1.20

GO-Transfer HQ to Beijing31.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Karachi30.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata29.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Tripoli23.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kunming23.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Male23.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait26.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Islamabad26.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Islamabad26.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to London24.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa24.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Doha23.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Jordan22.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Dubai17.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait15.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Hong Kong12.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Hanoi12.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra10.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddha-2 10.12.19

GO-Transfer Jeddha to HQ 10.12.19

GO-Transfer New Delhi to HQ 10.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to New York 10.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to The Hague5.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C.5.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to The Hague5.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to The Hague5.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Tehran5.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to London5.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Colombo4.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok1.12.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Jakarta28.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi27.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Mexico City27.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok27.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Beirut26.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi26.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi26.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Hanoi21.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C.21.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh21.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Brasília21.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Brasília21.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Tripoli19.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Tripoli19.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Russia18.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Hanoi19.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa17.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Vienna17.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Sydney14.11.19

GO-Transfer Manama to HQ11.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to India11.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Bahrain11.11.19

GO-Transfer  New Delhi to HQ11.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah7.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Mexico City4.11.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Pretoria31.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Seoul31.10.19

GO-Transfer Thimphu to HQ29.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Hanoi24.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Bhutan24.10.19

GO for Cancellation of Posting Order24.10.19

GO-Transfer New York to HQ24.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to New York24.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata23.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Hanoi24.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait23.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Toronto13.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok14.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Los Angeles13.10.19

GO-Transfer Brussels to HQ10.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Toronto10.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to The Hague10.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Port Louis10.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to New York10.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi10.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to London10.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Istanbul10.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Abuja10.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah3.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Seoul2.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Seoul2.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah2.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Jakarta2.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Hanoi2.10.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Beijing2.10.19

GO-Transfer Hanoi to HQ26.9.19

GO-Transfer Bangkok to HQ24.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Beijing25.9.19

GO-Transfer Birmingham to HQ24.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Berlin24.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur24.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Tehran22.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome22.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to London22.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata22.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu22.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Beijing22.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Tehran19.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome19.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi19.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Mexico City19.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to London19.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata19.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu19.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Karachi19.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Beijing19.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Beijing19.9.19

GO-Transfer Los Angeles to HQ18.9.19

GO-Transfer London to HQ18.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa18.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Los Angeles18.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to London19.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata19.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Yangon3.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Doha17.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Doha17.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Sydney17.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait15.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait15.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh4.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Paris4.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Hong Kong4.9.19

GO-Transfer Moscow to HQ3.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Nairobi4.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Moscow2.9.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa29.8.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva29.8.19

GO-Transfer HQ to London29.8.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Tokyo29.8.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Tokyo27.8.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa27.8.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Brussels27.8.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Beijing27.8.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Mexico City26.8.19

GO-Transfer Jakarta to HQ27.8.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Jakarta27.8.19

GO-Transfer  Amman to HQ25.8.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C.22.8.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Tashkent22.8.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Seoul22.8.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Seoul22.8.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Dubai21.8.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Abu Dhabi20.8.19

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi7.8.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva7.8.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Beijing7.8.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Agartala8.8.19

GO-Transfer HQ to China18.8.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva4.8.19

GO-Transfer New York to HQ31.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to New York31.7.19

GO-Transfer The Hague to HQ30.7.19

GO-Transfer Ottawa to HQ30.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kenya30.7.19

GO-Transfer Canberra to HQ30.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C.28.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi28.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi25.7.19

GO-Transfer Singapore to HQ24.7.19

GO-Transfer Kuwait to HQ24.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C.24.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Vienna24.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Seoul24.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Pretoria24.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur24.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Jakarta24.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Copenhagen24.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Beijing24.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Beijing24.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Athens24.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Ankara24.7.19

GO-Transfer Copenhagen to HQ24.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Beijing25.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Beijing25.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Lisbon23.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Doha23.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to New York18.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Stockholm21.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Ankara21.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Tehran18.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok18.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Agartala17.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah12.6.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Abu Dhabi12.6.19

GO-Transfer Jeddah to HQ12.6.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Manama25.6.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Paris10.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu9.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur4.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah4.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Dubai3.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu1.7.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Agartala30.6.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Iran13.6.19

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi16.6.19

GO-Transfer Beijing to HQ13.6.19

GO-Transfer Manama to HQ12.6.19

GO-Transfer Kathmandu to HQ29.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu10.6.19

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi12.5.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu5.5.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata5.5.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait29.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata2.5.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh29.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Colombo29.4.19

GO-Transfer Brussels to HQ29.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Dubai29.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Ankara25.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Agartala18.4.19

GO-Transfer Kolkata to HQ23.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi1.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa9.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata8.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Thimphu7.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Seoul7.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to London7.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur7.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur7.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata7.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Doha7.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra7.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok7.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Tokyo2.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to The Hague2.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Tashkent2.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Stockholm2.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to London2.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Lisbon2.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur2.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata2.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Birmingham2.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok2.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata3.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi1.4.19

GO-Transfer Beijing to HQ2.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur2.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to New York 1.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Lisbon1.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva1.4.19

GO-Transfer Geneva to HQ1.4.19

GO-Transfer Lisbon to HQ1.4.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Yangon28.3.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Tokyo27.3.19

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi19.3.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Moscow13.3.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Islamabad11.3.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Sydney11.3.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C.11.3.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Ankara10.3.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata7.3.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata7.3.19

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi5.3.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata13.2.19

GO-Transfer HQ to London27.2.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Doha26.2.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah24.2.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu20.2.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Seoul20.2.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Berlin20.2.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Karachi4.2.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Riyadh4.2.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Dubai29.1.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Paris3.2.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Brussels31.1.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Tehran31.1.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Los Angeles24.1.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Dubai24.1.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata24.1.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Cairo22.1.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Tokyo21.1.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Stockholm17.1.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Moscow17.1.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Beirut15.1.19

GO-Transfer Doha to HQ13.1.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Doha13.1.19

GO-Transfer HQ to New York5.1.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Port Louis10.1.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Milan8.1.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Ankara24.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Singapore6.1.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Singapore6.1.19

GO-Transfer New York to HQ6.1.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok3.1.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Berlin3.1.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Tripoli2.1.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Athens1.1.19

GO-Transfer HQ to Male26.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Birmingham24.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata20.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Cairo20.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C.17.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C.13.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to London13.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Nairobi10.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Muscat10.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Madrid10.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Port Louis10.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C.10.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah10.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Baghdad9.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Tokyo5.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Stockholm27.11.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Seoul5.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Mumbai5.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur5.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Muscat6.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Los Angeles5.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Manchester5.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Stockholm6.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to New York5.12.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Tokyo28.11.18

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi29.11.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Sydney29.11.18

GO-Transfer HQ to London28.11.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Barlin 28.11.18

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi22.11.18

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi22.11.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Sydney22.11.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata19.11.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Colombo19.11.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome18.11.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome18.11.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Toronto6.11.18

GO-Transfer  Singapore to HQ8.7.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Rabat11.11.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah8.11.18

GO-Transfer HQ to London6.11.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Nairobi1.11.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Rabat1.11.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu25.10.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah25.10.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Toronto24.10.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Baghdad18.10.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Lisbon4.10.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome15.10.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Stockholm15.10.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Nairobi15.10.18

GO-Transfer HQ to London11.10.18

GO-Transfer HQ to London11.10.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Singapore11.10.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur11.10.18

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi9.10.18

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi27.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok20.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Nairobi17.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Manama17.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Berlin17.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Beijing17.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Tehran17.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Yangon17.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Tehran20.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Seoul17.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu17.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Islamabad17.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Berlin20.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Ankara17.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Ottawa17.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Birmingham19.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Beijing11.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra10.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Toronto8.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Tashkent8.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Manchester8.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to London8.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Dubai8.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Dubai8.9.18

GO-Transfer Dubai to HQ8.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Rabat19.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Amman6.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Los Angeles5.9.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C.27.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C.27.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Sydney27.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Stockholm27.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to London27.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah27.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Cairo27.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Brussels27.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Toronto27.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Paris27.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Nairobi28.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Madrid27.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to London27.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur27.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Birmingham27.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok27.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Milan28.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Male28.8.18

GO-Transfer Male to HQ26.8.18

GO-Transfer Madrid to HQ26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Baghdad26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Brasília26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Brasília26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Male26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Nairobi26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Tokyo26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C.26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Muscat26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Manila26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Madrid26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Istanbul26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Berlin26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Beirut26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Tripoli26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Sydney26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Moscow26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Abu Dhabi26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi26.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Jeddah20.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Kathmandu20.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Cairo16.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Bangkok9.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Sittwe7.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to London2.8.18

GO-Transfer HQ to The Hague25.7.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Milan24.7.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Brussels24.7.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Tehran19.7.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Thimphu19.7.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C.17.7.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Jakarta17.7.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva17.7.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Geneva12.7.18

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi12.7.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Berlin8.7.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata8.7.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuala Lumpur8.7.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Morocco8.7.18

GO-Transfer HQ to New Delhi8.7.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Singapore8.7.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Toronto5.7.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra5.7.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Hong Kong1.7.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Bandar Seri Begawan1.7.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Canberra28.6.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Bandar Seri Begawan28.6.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Pretoria11.6.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Washington, D.C.7.6.16

GO-Transfer HQ to New York 3.6.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Mauritius29.5.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Agartala23.5.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Nairobi23.5.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Kuwait22.5.18

GO-Transfer HQ to New York 20.5.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Sittwe17.5.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Cairo3.5.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Kolkata26.4.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Agartala22.4.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Agartala22.4.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Stockholm8.4.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Moscow8.4.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Rome4.4.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Nairobi1.4.18

GO-Transfer HQ to New York 29.3.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Muscat29.3.18

GO-Transfer HQ to Kunming27.3.18

GO-Transfer to Jeddah22.3.18

GO-Transfer to Pretoria22.3.18

GO-Transfer to Singapore22.3.18

GO-Transfer to Agartala 21-0318

GO-Transfer to Bangkok 21-0318

GO-Transfer to Birmingham 21-0318

GO-Transfer to Doha 21-0318

GO-Transfer to Jeneva 21-0318

GO-Transfer to London 21-0318

GO-Transfer to Mexico 21-0318

GO-Transfer to MOFA  21-0318 1

GO-Transfer to MOFA  21-0318 2

GO-Transfer to MOFA  21-0318 3

GO-Transfer to MOFA  21-0318 4

GO-Transfer to MOFA  21-0318 5

GO-Transfer to MOFA  21-0318 6

GO-Transfer to MOFA  21-0318 7

GO-Transfer to MOFA  21-0318 8

GO-Transfer to New Delhi 21-0318

GO-Transfer to Sittwe  21-0318

GO-Transfer to Sydney 21-0318

GO-Transfer to Warsaw 21-0318

GO-Transfer to Yangon  21-0318 1

GO-Transfer to Yangon  21-0318 2

GO-Transfer to Jeddah 15.3.18

GO-Transfer to Bandar Seri Begawan20.11.17

GO-Transfer to Cairo8.3.18

GO-Transfer to Sittwe6.2.18

GO-Transfer to New Delhi6.3.18

GO-Transfer to New Delhi5.3.18

GO-Transfer to Cairo5.2.18

GO-Transfer to Karachi4.3.18

GO-Transfer to Beijing1.3.18

GO-Transfer to Hanoi1.3.18

GO-Transfer to Abu Dhabi28.2.18

GO-Transfer to Beijing28.2.18

GO-Transfer to Beijing28.2.18

GO-Transfer to Berlin28.2.18