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3881 Bangladesh expresses deep concern at the reported ballistic missile attack by the Houthi rebels targeting the King Khaled International Airport in Riyadh 18-02-2018
3882 The Plenary Session of the 6th Partnership Dialogue between Bangladesh and the United States was held in Dhaka 18-02-2018
3883 Bangladesh Position on Catalonia 18-02-2018
3884 US delegation led by Acting Assistant Secretary for Population, Refugees and Migration Mr. Simon Henshaw from the US Department of State called on State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md. Shahriar Alam MP 18-02-2018
3885 EU stands with Bangladesh in this difficult time 18-02-2018
3886 State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh met H.E. Mr. Etjen Xhafaj, Deputy Foreign Minister of Albania on 17 February at Albanian Foreign Ministry in Tirana. 18-02-2018
3887 Special Session of the Human Rights Council on the human rights situation of the minority Rohingya Muslim population and other minorities in the Rakhine State of Myanmar 19-12-2017
3888 Bangladesh expresses deep concern at the recent announcement by the United States recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel 19-12-2017
3889 Hon’ble Foreign Minister A H Mahmood Ali MP held a diplomatic briefings this afternoon at the State Guest House Padma. Ambassadors/ High Commissioners/ CDAs a.i. 09-11-2017
3890 Bangladesh and Nepal hold Second Foreign Office Consultations (FOC) 09-11-2017
3891 Foreign Minister Receives New Secretary General of BIMSTEC. 09-11-2017
3892 Foreign Secretary of Nepal calls on the Foreign Minister 09-11-2017
3893 The international “Our Ocean” Conference, co-hosted by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini and Karmenu Vella.. 09-11-2017
3894 New Nepalese envoy meets Foreign Minister 09-11-2017
3895 Mr. Mark Lowcock , the Under Sec. Gen. of the (UN OCHA) and the Emergency Relief Coordinator and Mr. Anthony Lake, the Executive Director of UNICEF jointly called on the Hon’ble Foreign Minister 09-11-2017
3896 Bangladesh-Turkey 2nd round of Foreign Office Consultations held in Dhaka 09-11-2017

Total records: 3896