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Last updated: 19 April 2022

About Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dhaka

mofaofficeThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs formulates and executes the foreign policy of the Government of Bangladesh. The core guidance of policy formulation comes from the relevant section of the Constitution of Bangladesh In developing the external policy of the Republic, the Ministry draws from the laws of the land, acts of the Parliament, international treaties that Bangladesh is a State party to, and other customary sources.

In discharging its functions, the Ministry follows the provisions of the Rules of Business of the Government of Bangladesh. The Foreign Ministry represents the State to foreign governments and international organizations through its 81 missions across the globe.The Ministry’s goals is to develop and maintain friendly relations with other States and foster cooperation with developed, developing and least developed countries, and various regional, sub-regional, political and economic groups.

The Ministry pursues Bangladesh’s external economic and trade interests, promotes its culture abroad, and disseminates information to foreign countries. It safeguards the legal rights and promotes interests of its citizens and other legal entities in foreign countries. The Ministry discharges its diverse duties through its headquarters in Dhaka and through its network of Missions aboard. The work of the Ministry is conducted by a number of wings. These divisions gather, analyze and process information, set priorities and draws up options according to the allocation of their individual areas and responsibilities.