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Last updated: 28th February 2018
Press Release

Foreign Office Consultations (FOC) between Bangladesh and Malaysia

The 2nd Foreign Office Consultations (FOC) between Bangladesh and Malaysia was held on 28 February 2018 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia in Putrajaya.

Bangladesh delegation was led by Foreign Secretary H.E. Mr. Md. Shahidul Haque while the Malaysian side was led by the Secretary General H.E. Dato’ Seri Ramlan Ibrahim.

Two sides discussed all issues related to the bilateral relations including trade and investment, employment of Bangladeshi workforce in Malaysia, Rohingya issue, culture etc. Both sides agreed to start negotiations on PTA to further boost trade.

Both sides noted that G2G+ mechanism has brought in positive development in reducing cost of the labour force to come to Malaysia and the influence of the middlemen. After introduction of G2G+ mechanism 98,800 Bangladeshi workers arrived in Malaysia, out of approved 1,22,000 applications as informed by Malaysian side.

Malaysia reiterated its commitment to continue to play its constructive role in resolving the Rohingya issue and extending support to Bangladesh in regional and international forum.

Foreign Secretary thanked Malaysia for its role in relation to Rohingya issues and also appreciated operations of the field hospital established by Malaysia for Rohingya.

Both sides discussed about the upcoming 45th CFM to be held in Dhaka. Bangladesh side briefed about the preparation of CFM. Both sides shared views and exchanged notes on regional and global geo-political development.

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Publish Date: 
Wednesday, February 28, 2018