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Last updated: 19th February 2018
Press Release

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina invited Dutch PM Mark Rutte to visit Bangladesh for launching of Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina invited Dutch PM Mark Rutte to visit Bangladesh for launching of Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100

Foreign Secretary Shahidul Haque handed over the invitation letter to Mr, David van Week, Adviser on Foreign Policy and Defence to the Dutch Prime Minister during a meeting at his office this morning. Referring to Dutch assistance in formulating the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100, the Prime minister of Bangladesh invited the Dutch Prime Minister for his presence in Dhaka for ceremonial launching of the Plan at a mutually convenient date this year. In her letter, Hon'ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina further sought continued Dutch support for implementation of the Delta Plan.

Thanking Bangladesh for its support for the Dutch non-permanent membership to the UNSC for the current term (2017-2018), the Adviser briefed the Foreign Secretary Haque about the Dutch priorities during their upcoming chairmanship of the UNSC in March. He appreciated Bangladesh's role as one of the top troop and police contributing countries in UN peacekeeping. He emphasized on enhancing capabilities for the peacekeepers, including future cooperation in the areas of UN peacekeeping operations and prevention of conflicts at large.

The Foreign Secretary briefed the Adviser on the Rohingya issue and sought Dutch support in the UN Security Council and other forums for early resolution of the crisis.

They also exchanged views on other issues of mutual interests, including the need for renewed initiative for enhancing trade and investment between the two countries.

Foreign Secretary Shahidul Haque unveiled the foundation of Language Monument (Shaheed Minar) at Zuiderpark in presence of the Deputy Mayor of The Hague, Rabin Baldewsingh. Members of the Bangladesh community in the Netherlands were also present on this historic event in the City of Peace and Justice symbolising the true spirit of Ekushe, to the international community. Later Foreign Secretary held a meeting with the Deputy Mayor at the City Hall and discussed about construction of the Shaheed Minar. The Deputy Mayor also hosted a lunch in honour of the Foreign Secretary, which was attended by Ambassadors from South and South East Asian, as well as European countries.

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Publish Date: 
Tuesday, February 20, 2018