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Last updated: 28th January 2019
Press Release

‘Germany seeks to have more investment in Bangladesh’

Dhaka, 17 January 2019:


 German Ambassador to Bangladesh Peter Fahrenholtz conveyed this message when met with new Foreign Minister Dr. AK Abdul Momen MP at the Ministry today.


The German Ambassador congratulated Foreign Minister Dr Momen on his assuming the responsibility and expressed firm commitment move forward with bilateral and multilateral engagements on issues of mutual interests. He further emphasized on ‘stability, growth and increased welfare for the common people’ under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. He also expressed interests in deepening bilateral relations on issues like trade and investment, Rohingya crisis, migration, SMEs and skills development, climate change, and beyond.


Terming Germany as ‘natural friend’, Foreign Minister Dr. Momen expressed deep appreciation and gratitude for long-standing and comprehensive support from Germany in the socio-economic development of Bangladesh, since independence. He further invited more German investment in Bangladesh. He thanked the Ambassador for agreeing to make shift in the thematic focus of future bilateral development cooperation, by incorporating ‘SMEs and skills/vocational training’ as the new thematic focus.


Foreign Minister Dr. Momen thanked Germany for extending full support for the Rohingya crisis, and sought further intensified efforts from the international community so that the Rohingyas could go back to their ancestral homeland in safety and dignity.


Ambassador Fahrenholtz expressed deep appreciation for the ‘very successful’ engagements and cooperation between the two countries in the area of migration – a top priority for the Chancellor Merkel’s government.
