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Last updated: 4th November 2020
Press Release

Bangladesh Ambassador in Jordan met the new Labour& Investment Minister of Jordan


Bangladesh Ambassador Ms. NahidaSobhanhad a meeting with the Honorable Minister of Labor and the Minister of State for Investment Dr. Ma'en Al-Qatamin at his office on Sunday, 01st November, 2020. They discussed on the several issues including the possible ways to enhance cooperation between the two countries. Ambassador NahidaSobhan explored with Dr. Qataminon the possibility of return of Bangladeshi workers who left the Kingdombefore the Corona pandemic and have not yet been able to return due to expiration of their residency or work permit. She also requested the Minister to allow those Bangladeshi expatriates to return under any special arrangement.   


The Honorable Minister confirmed that the Ministry of Labor is keen to maintain continuous supervision of the work of the businesses agencies in different sectorsto ensure their compliance with the Labour Law and to provide a safe working environment for both the Jordanian and the expatriate workers equally.


The Minister mentioned thatthe Ministry is ready to receive and respond to any complaint related to labour laws and their rights from expatriate workers. He added that the LabourMinistry is working to prepare brochures and documentaries in different languages to raise awareness among the expatriates’ workers on of their rights and responsibilities. Ambassador NahidaSobhan appreciated this initiative and also conveyed her thankfulness to the Minister for taking initiatives to improve the well-being and rights of the workers in Jordan.


They discussed on the investment opportunities within the cooperation framework for mutual benefits of the countries. Theyalso discussed on the possibilities of investment with a view to enhancing economic cooperation. Ambassador NahidaSobhan hoped for a fruitful collaboration between the two countries. She proposed exchanging business delegation in near future and emphasized on strengthening bilateral relations and widening the working scope for Bangladeshi workers in different sectors.
