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Last updated: 19th May 2019
Press Release

The Gambian Foreign Minister is visiting Dhaka as the Special Envoy of the President of Gambia


Dhaka17 May 2019:

The Gambian Foreign Minister, Mr. Mamadou Tangara is visiting Dhaka as the Special Envoy of the President of Gambia, H.E. Mr. Adama Barrow. The Gambian delegation also comprises the High Commissioner of Gambia in New Delhi and other high officials of the Gambian government. The Gambian Foreign Minister today met with Hon'ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Foreign Minister, Dr. A.K. Abdul Momen, M.P in the morning.

A bilateral meeting was held between the delegations led by Gambian Foreign Minister, Dr. Mamadou Tangara and Mr. A. K. Abdul Momen, Foreign Minister of Bangladesh this morning at State Guest House Meghna. At the outset of the meeting, Dr. Momen welcomed the Gambian delegation to Bangladesh. He thanked the Gambian government  for their leadership role in the OIC on the accountability of issue related to the displaced Rohingyas.  He briefed the Gambian Foreign Minister about the gravity of the crisis that Bangladesh is facing with the displaced Rohingyas. He urged for the necessity of creation of conducive environment for return of the Rohingya people to their homeland with the guarantee of safety and security. He added that the accountability on the Rohingya issue must be determined and Bangladesh will support all OIC initiatives in this respect.  

Dr. Momen also briefed the Gambian delegation about Bangladesh's development march. He informed the delegation that Bangladesh is among the most rapidly growing economies in the world it is expected that the economic growth will exceed 8 percent in the next fiscal year.

The Bangladesh Foreign Minister suggested to the Gambian Foreign Minister about the necessity of establishing South-South-North Triangular cooperation among developing countries like Bangladesh and Gambia. He mentioned that cooperation may be established in agriculture and food production sectors with Gambia taking into account Bangladesh's remarkable success in the fields. He mentioned that Gambian investors may invest in Bangladesh and cooperation may be established in Energy, agro-processing and SME sectors. He informed that Gambia may import RMG, pharmaceutical, ships and boats from Bangladesh. A Protocol on Bilateral Consultations between Foreign Ministries of Bangladesh and the Gambia was signed by the two Foreign Ministers after the meeting.
