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Last updated: 27th January 2019
Press Release

British Foreign Secretary jeremy Hunt and Austrian Foreign Minister Dr. Karin Kneissl congratulated Foreign Minister Dr. Momen

Welcoming Dr. AK Abdul Momen's appointment as Foreign Minister of the new government British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said 'The UK and Bangladesh have an important relationship and I look forward to working closely with you to strengthen it in the coming years'. He further referred to the 'living bridge of 500000 British Bangladeshis in the UK and also referred to the next round of Strategic  Dialogue between Bangladesh and the UK, to be held later in the year, as an important platform and opportunity to make progress in bilateral relations for the mutual benefits of our peoples.


In her letter of congratulations the Austrian Minister for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs looked forward to her official bilateral visit to Bangladesh in February 2019 and 'to discussing ways and means to intensify cooperation between our two countries."
