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Last updated: 1st August 2024
Press Release

Bangladesh joins G20 Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty


Dhaka, 31 July 2024:


Bangladesh submitted a Statement of Commitment to join the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty at the G20 Ministerial Taskforce Meeting held on 24 July 2024 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Ambassador Sadia Faizunnesa, Bangladesh envoy to Brazil, signed and submitted the Statement of Commitment on behalf of the government.


Bangladesh, along with this year’s G20 President Brazil, was among the first countries to officially join the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty. The Alliance aims to mobilize international financing and knowledge products to help implement effective and far-reaching public policies to eradicate hunger and poverty globally.


The Global Alliance is a signature initiative of President Lula da Silva of Brazil, who mooted the idea to give much-needed impetus to international efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goals 1 (“no poverty”) and 2 (“zero hunger”). The Ministerial Taskforce Meeting adopted a negotiated Inception Document on the Global Alliance which will be officially launched at the G20 Leaders’ Summit in November 2024.


President Lula da Silva had earlier invited Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to join the Global Alliance Taskforce in recognition of Bangladesh’s achievements in combating hunger and poverty under her leadership. The two leaders agreed to work towards advancing meaningful international efforts against hunger and poverty in the backdrop of the multiple crises disproportionately affecting developing countries.


At the Ministerial Taskforce Meeting, Ambassador Faizunnesa also announced Bangladesh’s decision to make a token financial contribution to facilitate the Global Alliance’s work.


Under the guidance of Bangladesh G20 Chief Coordinator Ambassador-at-Large Muhammad Ziauddin, the government will follow up on its official joining of the Global Alliance through the formation of a multi-stakeholder Country Platform steered by the Planning Commission.
