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Last updated: 28th March 2019
Press Release

Over 50 Envoys attend Bangladesh’s Independence & National Day Celebration in Nigeria : Bangladesh branded positively


27 March 2019: 


Bangladesh High Commission in Abuja, Nigeria celebrated 48th Anniversary of the Independence and National Day in a befitting manner and with festivity. As a part of the celebratory activities, a Diplomatic Reception was held at the Transcorp Hilton Abuja from 7pm-9pm on 26 March 2018 in which around 300 guests attended. It started with the playing of the national anthems of Bangladesh and Nigeria. One minute silence was observed as a mark of respect for the martyrs. In his welcome remarks, Mr. Md. Shameem Ahsan,ndc, High Commissioner paid rich tribute to the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, martyrs and freedom fighters. The High Commissioner also recalled the contribution of the foreign friends.  While touching on the tremendous successesat home and abroad during the leadership of the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina which raised the profile of the country globally, Mr. Ahsan told that Bangladesh and Nigeria will work closely to forge stronger bilateral relations in the coming days. Mr. Nura Abba Rimi, Director(Asia and Pacific Division) of the Nigerian Foreign Ministry was present as the Guest of Honour representing Nigerian Foreign Minister. While drawing attention of the proximity of Nigeria & Bangladesh (7th& 8threspectively) in terms of world’s most populous countries, Mr. Rumi said that both countries always felt closer for their common values and shared vision for prosperity. Later, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps and the Guest of Honour joined the High Commissioner and his wife to cut the cake.


The Mission also put up a large Stall (Bangladesh Corner) in the Auditorium in which an array of exportables (medicines,ceramics, tea, leather and jute products, handicrafts etc.) were on display and it generated lots of interest among the guests. The auditorium was tastefully decorated with a number of roll-up-banners at the entrance and around containing pictorial description of Bangladesh’s success stories. Documentaries were screened on tourism, culture al heritage and investment and economic potentials of the country. Two special features, illustrated by pictures, covered by influential local Daily Leadership on the Prime Minister were also on display at the Bangladesh Corner. The guests received gifts containing Bangladeshi tea wrapped with jute bag, publication on Bangladesh’s achievement, diary & calendar of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a gift bag bearing prints of traditional Jamdani of Bangladesh.


Ambassadors/High Commissioners from over 50 countries, Representatives from UN and International Organisations, senior Nigerian Officials, diplomats, elected Nigerian representatives, large number of business and Chamber leaders, members of the civil society including many journalists, members of Bangladesh diaspora attended, among others.


Earlier, the day’s programme began at 9am with the hoisting of the national flag by the High Commissioner at the Chancery in the presence of the officers and officials. It was followed by placing of floral wreath on the portrait of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, reading out Messages from the President, Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and State Minister for Foreign Affairs, discussion meeting and special prayer.


A multi-colour special supplement was published in the influential Daily Leadership to mark the Day.
