Dhaka, 18 September 2022:
Bangladesh lodges strong protest with Myanmar over the intrusion of mortar shells, aerial firings and airspace violations from Mynamar causing death and injuries to the people inside Bangladesh terriotory
The Ministry of Foreing Affairs summoned the Ambssador of Mynamar to Bangladesh today and lodged a strong protest against the incidents of the firing of shells from Myanmar that exploded inside Bangladesh territory, causing human casualties, affecting the safety and security of the people and property inside Bangladesh territory and spreading panic among the residents of the bordering areas. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also handed over a protest note to Myanmar Ambassador. The Myanmar Ambssador acknowledged of the firing of multiple mortar shells into Bangladesh territory, but claimed that their insurgent groups were firing heavy artillery and mortars, some of which landed inside Bangladesh territory.
The Envoy was told that the government of Mynmar was responsible for maintaining the security inside Myanmar as well as for ensuring that no violation of the border and airspace with neighboring Bangladesh took place.
In this connection, the Ministry of Foreing Affaris reiterated the zero teolrance policy of the Government of Bangladesh on terrorism and non-harboring of any elements hostile to the security of the neighboruing countries.
Myanmar has been cautioned that the ongoing situation is creating an atmosphere of fear among the innocent people living in the bordering areas with Myanmar. Bangladesh urged Myanmar to refrain from activities that inflict damage to the life and livelihood of the people of the area. Bangladesh also demanded that Myanmar took immediate steps to stop reckless military actions near the border and ensure that no ammunition from Myanmar falls inside the Bangladesh territory.
The Myanmar Envoy was also reminded that the ongoing situation was detrimental in kickstarting the reptration process of the forcibly diplaced Mynmar nationals temporarily sheltererd in Bangladesh on humanitarian grounds.