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Last updated: 18th February 2018
Press Release

Bangladesh expresses its deep concern at the recent ballistic missile attacks by the Houthi rebels targeting the residential area of Riyadh which was successfully intercepted by the Saudi air-defence forces.

Dhaka, 20 December 2017

Bangladesh expresses its deep concern at the recent ballistic missile attacks by the Houthi rebels targeting the residential area of Riyadh which was successfully intercepted by the Saudi air-defence forces.

Bangladesh renounces such unilateral and provocative acts which could escalate tension in the area and impact adversely upon the peace and stability in the region.

Bangladesh remains committed to stand by the brotherly people and the Government of Saudi Arabia in their efforts to maintain peace and stability in the region.

WA Wing
MOFA, Dhaka

Circulated by:
External Publicity Wing, MOFA, Dhaka

Media Type: 
Publish Date: 
Wednesday, December 20, 2017