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Last updated: 1st September 2019
Press Release

Inputs for Media on Diplomatic Briefing by HFM on Rohingya Repatriation State Guest House Padma, 29 August 2019


29 August 2019.


Bangladesh concluded three bilateral instruments with Myanmar on repatriation of forcibly displaced Rohingyas about two years back. According to bilateral instruments, the repatriation was scheduled to commence in January 2018 with a target to complete process in next two years. But regrettably, the physical reparation has yet to begin.


After the abortive effort on 15 November last year, another repatriation attempt was made on the 22nd of this month with a fresh list of 3,450 Rohingya individuals out of 1.1 million verified by Myanmar. Bangladesh agreed to facilitate the commencement of repatriation on 22nd August in the backdrop of Myanmar’s repeated claim that they are prepared to receive the displaced persons and the visit of a high-level delegation from Myanmar at camps in Cox’s Bazar on 27-28 July 2019 to convince the displaced people to return. But regrettably Myanmar failed to dispel the trust-deficit between Myanmar government and their displaced people.


In line with our commitment to the principle of voluntary return, Bangladesh handed the list of 3,450 individuals so far verified by Myanmar to UNHCR through the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Dhaka on 8 August 2019 to ascertain whether these people are ready to return voluntarily to northern Rakhine under the present circumstances. Bangladesh ensured all necessary arrangements in Bangladesh side including security and logistics for voluntary return of Rohingyas to northern Rakhine and welcomed the diplomats from both Chinese and Myanmar Embassies in Dhaka to monitor the whole process and preparations at Cox’s Bazar.


Out of the list of 3,450 Rohingyas handed by Bangladesh, UNHCR interviewed 339 families comprising 1,276 individuals till 22 August 2019. In the interview process, all available information and the fact-sheets provided by the Government of Myanmar were shared with the families concerned. Moreover, adequate measures including security arrangements were ensured so that the people concerned could freely express their intent. But unfortunately, none of the families interviewed agreed to return in the present circumstances, as they consider the security situation and overall environment in Rakhine not yet conducive for their return. Almost all the families interviewed expressed their deep concern over the security situation in Rakhine. Overwhelming majority of the families underscored the lack of progress in addressing justice and rights related issues including citizenship, freedom of movement, and land-use rights. However, all families interviewed have reaffirmed their desire to return, once their concerns are reasonably addressed by the Government of Myanmar.


During the recent interactions with the high-level delegation from Myanmar led by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 27-28 July 2019, the representatives of the displaced Myanmar Residents called for international civilian monitors’ presence in northern Rakhine to guarantee security and to monitor the repatriation and reintegration process. Myanmar delegation also agreed to continue dialogues with the displaced people at frequent intervals to find mutually acceptable solutions, at the earliest possible, on core issues including granting of fundamental rights and citizenship. Rohingyas sheltered in Bangladesh expressed utter dismay that Myanmar delegation was unable to report any progress concerning citizenship, rights, and security issues for their return to northern Rakhine.


Myanmar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs hurriedly issued a press release on 22 August 2019 accusing Bangladesh of not being able to send their people due to alleged non-compliance with the bilateral instruments. As per bilateral instruments on repatriation, the responsibility of encouraging the displaced people to opt for voluntary return lies entirely on Myanmar. It is Myanmar’s responsibility to create a conducive environment in Rakhine through decisive actions and to reduce trust-deficit of Rohingyas through appropriate measures including dissemination of authentic information on the ground reality. The non-commencement of repatriation due to unwillingness of the people concerned is fully attributable to the failure of the Government of Myanmar in fulfilling its obligations.


In fact, the Government of Myanmar needs to take decisive actions with demonstrable political will to reasonably address the core concerns of Rohingyas in line with the spirit and provisions of the bilateral instruments on repatriation and the recommendations of the “Advisory Commission on Rakhine State” in order to create a conducive environment for return in northern Rakhine. The Government of Myanmar must also assume its responsibility to encourage Rohingyas to opt for voluntary return by sharing correct information with them in all possible ways. Unsubstantiated claims without proven evidence on the part of the Government of Myanmar are not going to contribute to the commencement of repatriation.


Instead of fulfilling its own obligation, Myanmar still continues playing the blame game and misleading the international community with fabricated information and misrepresentation of facts.


 Myanmar Union Minister for the Office of the State Counsellor Mr. Kyaw (pronounced as “Chaw”) Tint Swe reportedly told the Russian Foreign Minister at a bilateral meeting in Moscow on 10 June 2019 that the root cause of the issue in Rakhine is the illegal migration of about half a million Bangladeshi to Myanmar after 1975. Lately at the 52nd ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and subsequent ARF Ministerial meeting in Bangkok in July-August 2019, Myanmar Union Minister for International Cooperation Mr. U Kyaw (pronounced as “Chaw”) Tin mentioned that the Rohingya crisis is “an issue with deep-rooted history involving irregular cross-border migration, as there had been three waves of illegal mass migration into Myanmar since the time of colonial period and it is therefore imperative to solve the issue bilaterally”. Mr. Tin further refuted that the number of displaced persons claimed by Bangladesh as 1.2 million is too much inflated and have to be verified and confirmed. This was not the first time, Myanmar contesting the widely accepted figure of displaced Rohingya taking temporary shelter in Bangladesh. In fact, Bangladesh is witnessing such ill-motivated statements from Myanmar side for quite some time. As far as the nationality of Rohingyas is concerned, there cannot be any confusion. In the bilateral instruments on return, Myanmar has recognized them as “Myanmar residents”, although Myanmar still refuses to allow them citizenship. Such statements clearly indicate that Myanmar still pursues the policy of exclusion and marginalization of its ethnic minorities.


Myanmar often tries to give an impression that Bangladesh is not allowing or facilitating the repatriation. Bangladesh reassures that the Government of Bangladesh maintains its principled position of not preventing anyone, regardless of ethnic and religious identity, who intends to return to Myanmar anytime. The Government of Bangladesh always stands ready to extend all possible cooperation to those who volunteer to return. Sincerity of Bangladesh in facilitating earliest repatriation of Myanmar residents has been unquestionably established through its actions. Thousands of both national and international media are monitoring it on a day-to-day basis. Let Myanmar also allow global media and UN agencies, as Bangladesh did, to monitor and report on Myanmar’s readiness in receiving their displaced people, Rohingya.


Myanmar’s failure to effectively dismantle the IDP camps in Rakhine and resettle the camp-dwellers to the places of their original residence or places of their choice, as well as taking back the people sheltered at the international boundary (zero line) is a clear manifestation of lack of will on the part of Myanmar to repatriate and integrate these persecuted people. Needless to mention, such initiatives require no involvement of the Government of Bangladesh.


Accusing Bangladesh of non-cooperation in the repatriation effort by a party who is fully responsible for the protracted crisis is baseless, ill-motivated and totally unacceptable. Bangladesh urges the Government of Myanmar to fully concentrate on the implementation of its obligations and commitments necessary for a durable solution of the problem. The Government of Myanmar should seriously consider a comprehensive engagement of the international community in creating of an environment conducive for their return as well as in monitoring of repatriation and reintegration process in Myanmar.
