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Last updated: 12th March 2019
Press Release

Ambassador of South Korea Hu Kang Ilat Calls on State Minister for Foreign Affairs


Dhaka, 11.03.2109:

South Korea has turned out to be an important development partner of Bangladesh and Bangladesh seeks expansion of scope of activities of Korean Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF). This was stated by State Minister Md. Shahriar Alam, MP while he met Ambassador of South Korea Hu Kang Ilat his office today.

South Korean Ambassador highly praised the technical skill of young professionals in Bangladesh who are presently working in assembly plant and research centre of South Korea’s electronic giant Samsung.

Md. Shahriar Alam recalled the pioneering role of South Korean’s companies to develop textile and garments industries in Bangladesh. Md. Shahriar Alam said that, Korean success in transforming South Korea within a generation has inspired Bangladesh to steer the nation on a development path. Ambassador Hu Kang Il praised rapid industrialization and development of Bangladesh under the able leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, which gives a bright future of Bangladesh.

Ambassador expressed confidence that, Bangladesh will graduate from LDC by 2024. While mentioning Employment Permit System (EPS) of South Korea as a model in recruitment of foreign workers, Shahriar Alam requested Ambassador to increase the intake of Bangladesh nationals for recruitment under EPS.
