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Last updated: 28th January 2019
Press Release

Princess Sarah Zeid, Special Adviser to World Food Programme (WFP) meets the Foreign Minister

Dhaka, 24 January 2019:

Princess Sarah Zeid, Special Adviser to World Food Programme (WFP) had a meeting with the Foreign Minister Dr. A. K. Abdul Momen, M.P. at latter’s office this afternoon. Princess Sarah is currently on a six-day visit to Bangladesh. As WFP Special Adviser, she went to Cox’s Bazar to witness the conditions of the Rohingyas sheltered in there.

Foreign Minister welcomed Princess Sarah Zeid in her maiden visit to Bangladesh. Foreign Minister highlighted on generosity and leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in hosting over 1.1 million Rohingyas and saving the world from even bigger catastrophe.

Emphasizing on the peaceful and amicable resolution of the Rohingya issue, Foreign Minister urged the global leadership for creating pressure on Myanmar for repatriation of the Rohingyas back to their homeland. He particularly urged Princess Sarah to raise her voice to reach out the world about the atrocities committed against the Rohingyas and political support for sustainable resolution of the crisis.

Princess Sarah Zeid praised the internationally acclaimed extraordinary leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her government in giving shelter to over a million of Rohingyas. All should continue to push for accountability and safe and dignified return of the Rohingyas to Myanmar, she stated. She emphasized on the necessity of multi-track diplomacy in this regard.

Appreciating Princess Sarah’s role, Foreign Minister also highlighted on the tremendous women empowerment which is happening in Bangladesh in all the fields of the society under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
