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Last updated: 28th January 2019
Press Release

Ambassador of China to Bangladesh Zhang Zuo paid a courtesy call on Foreign Minister A.K. Abdul Momen at his office today.

Chinese Ambassador wished deeper engagement with Foreign Minister to bring China-Bangladesh bilateral relations to a newer height. Chinese Ambassador expressed his commitment to work with the Government of Bangladesh to implement the decisions reached through consensus between two leaders of China and Bangladesh during President of China Xi Jinping’s visit to Bangladesh in October 2016. He wished to strengthen practical cooperation between two countries and accelerate implementation of the projects for common development and prosperity under Belt and Road Initiative. Ambassador Zhang underlined the importance of the bilateral consultation mechanisms to steer the practical cooperation between the two countries.


Foreign Ministeremphasized on Economic Diplomacy and acknowledged tremendous contribution of China in Bangladesh’s economic development. Foreign Minister expressed gratitude to China for signing 27 Agreements and MOU,worth billions of dollar investment,during Xi Jinping’s visit to Bangladesh in 2016 when bilateral relationship was elevated to strategic partnership. Foreign Minister requested Ambassador to take effective measures for speedy implementation of projects funded by China’s development assistance. Chinese Ambassador stated measures taken by Chinese Government to reduce the trade gap between Bangladesh and China and increasing level of Chinese investment in Bangladesh for development of industries.


            While appreciating Chinese humanitarian assistance for the displaced people of Rakhine State, Foreign Minister sought China’s strong support so that Myanmar moves in the right direction for resolving Rohingya crisis. Ambassador Zhang asserted that China is willing to play constrictive role to realize repatriation of displaced people and will maintain close communication with Bangladesh and Myanmar to find a practical solution of the crisis.
