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Last updated: 12th November 2023
Press Release

Branding Bangladesh: Deputy High Commission in Karachi addresses at the Diplomatic Corps in Karachi


Karachi: 08 November 2023:


Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Karachi addressed the Diplomatic Corps in Karachi on 07 November 2023.


The Consul General and Deputy High Commissioner of different countries who are resident in Karachi were present. The Consul General of Oman, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Republic of Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, the Russian Federation, Kuwait, Iran, Malaysia, China, Thailand, France, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka and Qatar were present.


Deputy High Commissioner highlighted the diplomatic engagement and success of Bangladesh. He also focused on the impressive socio-economic progress of Bangladesh. Diplomats were deeply impressed to listen about the outstanding development stories of Bangladesh and profoundly appreciated socio-economic development of Bangladesh.
