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Last updated: 27th September 2020

Statement of H.E. Sheikh Hasina at the High-Level Roundtable on Climate Action on 24 September 2020


Secretary General and Excellencies.


I thank the Secretary General for his concern regarding the impacts of climate change.

Bangladesh has some ideas and experiences to share on adaptation and resilience. We have prepared Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 to deal with the challenges of climate change and water management.

We have built 4 thousand 291 cyclone shelters and 523 flood shelters in the country. 56 thousand volunteers are available to facilitate preparation prior to any cyclone.

That’s why we joined the ‘REAP’ initiative which aims to make one billion people around the world safer from disasters by 2025. We are the current Chair of CVF. Global Center of Adaptation’s regional office is established in Dhaka recently.

To protect the planet and ourselves I would suggest:

  1. Political leadership must encourage robust international collaboration.
  2. The global temperature increase must be limited up to 1.5 degree Celsius and all Paris provisions must be implemented
  3. Promised funds have to be made available to the vulnerable countries.
  4. Polluting countries must increase their NDCs through necessary mitigation measures.
  5. Recognize that rehabilitation of the climate refugees is a global responsibility.

Thank you all.