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Last updated: 23 September 2021

White House Global Covid-19 Summit: Ending the Pandemic and Building Back Better Health Security to prepare For the Next



Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim


I thank President Biden for convening the Summit. Bangladesh undertook three-fold approach to fight the pandemic:


  1. Saving lives by allocating adequate medical facilities, equipment, life saving drugs and resources;
  2. Supporting livelihoods of our citizens, especially the most vulnerable groups; and
  3. Recovering economic activities back on track as quickly as possible.


So far we have allocated 15.4 billion dollars stimulus packages, disbursed 166 million dollars to 4.4 million beneficiaries, including poor elderly, widows, disabled persons, and informal sector workers.


As of September the 14th, we have administered more than 35 million shots of vaccine. We are planning to vaccinate 20 million people per month until 80% of our population is vaccinated by August 2022. For effective global vaccination, COVID-19 vaccines need to be declared as “global public good”. To guarantee universal access, local production of vaccines by developing countries and LDCs that have the capacity must be allowed.


To build forward better, we are focusing on-


First, inclusive growth policies with focus on improved healthcare system and social safety net programmes;

Second, Sustainable economic recovery putting emphasis on innovation, job creation and investment; and

Third, Climate resilience and transition to low-carbon development.


Thank you.