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Last updated: 17th April 2019
Press Release

Foreign Minister mourns the massive damage caused to the Notre-Dame Cathedral in France

Dhaka, 17.04.2019:


 Foreign Minister Dr. A. K. Abdul Momen, MP expressed his heartfelt condolences about the massive damage caused to the Notre-Dame Cathedral from a devastating fire on 15 April.


 In a message written to Jean-Yves Le DrianMinister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France, Dr. Momen said, the Cathedral of Notre-Dame, while a symbol of France, it is also a part of world heritage. The damage to the Cathedral is a huge loss not only for France but for the entire humanity.


Dr. Momen shared the pain and sorrow of the people of France.  He expressed solidarity at the hour of grief and gave assurance to stand in beside them. He also conveyed heartfelt sympathy to Jean-Yves Le Drian and to the people of France on behalf of the Government and people of Bangladesh.
