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Last updated: 18th March 2021
Press Release

Bangladesh Embassy in Seoul celebrates the Birth Centenary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Children’s Day


Seoul, 17 March 2021:


The Birth Centenary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Children’s Day 2021 was celebrated by the Embassy of Bangladesh in Seoul with due fervor and festivity. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the event was limited among the officials of the Embassy and attended by a few Korean students and their guardians. 


02.          The program of the first segment started by hoisting the national flag by H.E Ambassador Abida Islam.  This was followed by paying homage to the Father of the Nation by placing floral wreaths in front of his bust at the Chancery in presence of the officials of the Embassy.


03.       A special prayer was offered for the salvation of the soul of the Father of the Nation and the members of his family. Then verses from the Holy Scriptures and messages from the Hon’ble President, Hon’ble Prime Minister, Hon’ble Foreign Minister and Hon’ble State Minister for Foreign Affairs were readout. The officials of the Embassy, then, took part in an open discussion where the discussants highlighted the life and works of the Father of the Nation. In her remarks, Her Excellency Ambassador Abida Islam paid rich tribute to the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. She highlighted the ceremonious political life of the Father of the Nation including his great contribution in our War of Liberations and his sincere efforts in rebuilding of the war-ravaged country and termed him as an ‘envoy of peace’ at the international arena.  While discussing on the National Children’s Day she called upon all the parents to bring up the children, the future leaders of the country, on the ideals of Bangabandhu.


04.           On the occasion of this event, the Embassy organized a country-wide essay competition for the Korean students in Korean language on the topics- ‘Bangabandhu’s contributions in global peace and humanity” or "Bangabandhu's dream and the achievements of Bangladesh". During the programme, a short documentary on the life of the Father of the Nation was screened. Ambassador Islam gave away the prize and certificate to the winners and participants of the essay competition. Moreover, she handed over certificates to the Korean students who are designated as goodwill ambassadors of Bangladesh in Korea, a project for the young Korean students being carried out by the HOBY Korea, a Korean NGO. This was followed by a cultural performance. The Ambassador along with the participating cheerful children then cut a cake to celebrate this occasion.


05.       Mentionable that on the occasion of the Birth centenary of the Father of the Nation, the Embassy in collaboration with the Bangabandhu Birth Centenary Cell and the Foreign Service Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized 4thLecture of Bangabandhu Lecture Series titled-‘Bangabandhu: The Seoul of Bangladesh’ virtually on 15 March 2021. H.E. Dr. A. K. Abdul Momen, MP, Hon’ble Foreign Minister of Bangladesh graced the occasion as Chief Guest and H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon, former Secretary-General of the United Nations was present as keynote speaker. H.E. Mr. Md. ShahriarAlam, MP, Hon’ble State Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Foreign Secretary (Senior Secretary) H.E. Mr. Masud Bin Momen were present as special guests. H.E. Mr. Lee Jang-keun, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Bangladesh was present in the event as the Guest of Honour. H.E. Abida Islam, Ambassador of Bangladesh to the Republic of Korea offered the vote of thanks to the speakers and guests.


06.     In conclusion of the programme, the guests were entertained with traditional Bangladeshi cuisine.
