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Last updated: 18th March 2021
Press Release

Lisbon Mission Celebrates Bangabandhu’s Birth Anniversary


Lisbon, Wednesday, 17 March 2021


Bangladesh Embassy in Lisboncelebrated the 101stBirth Anniversary of Father of Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Children’s Day on Wednesday, 17 March 2021 with due fervour and festivity.


The Chancery was decorated with banners, posters and festoons. The officers and the members of staff were in colourful attire. However, in view of restrictions imposed by the Portuguese Government due to covid19 pandemic, the event was held on a limited scale in terms of physical participation.


In the morning, Ambassador of Bangladesh to Portugal Tarik Ahsan initiated the day’s programme by ceremonially hoisting the National Flag of Bangladesh at the Chancery premises in presence of all officers and members of staff of the Embassy.


Later in the day, a commemorative event was organized at the Chancery in keeping with heath regulations of the host country. To begin with, the Ambassador, along with officers, paid respect to the Father of Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by placing floral wreath at the portrait of Bangabandhu. This was followed by cutting of the birth anniversary cake by the Ambassador along with the officers and members of staff.


Messages from the President, the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister and State Minister for Foreign Affairs,released on the occasion,were then read out by the officers of the Mission.


This was followed by a session of discussion on the life and teachings of Bangabandhu. Speakers emphasized the need of following the principles of Bangabandhu for progress of Bangladesh in the right direction. In his speech, Ambassador Tarik Ahsan paid rich tribute to the memory of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and felicitated children on the occasion of the National Children’s Day. The Ambassador observed that Bangabandhu dedicated his entire life to the uncompromising struggle for realizing the rights and emancipation of the Bangalee people and the cause of advancing Bangalee nationalism and progressive ideals.  He viewed that it is because of birth of Bangabandhu that Bangalees are citizens of an independent country and they have the scope to realise the full potentials of their merit & effort. He hoped that, pursuing the ideals of Bangabandhu and under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Bangladeshis will achieve the Golden Bengal as dreamt of by Bangabandhu.


The Embassy had earlier invited participation from children and juveniles of expatriate Bangladesh community in Portugal for an essay competition and an art completion in two separate age-groups for each competition. Prizes for winners and certificates for all participants would be presented in due course.


During a brief cultural segment, poems on Bangabandhu were recited. Towards the end of the programme, a video documentary on the life and struggle of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was screened.

Finally, a special prayer was offered seeking divine blessings for Bangabandhu and the martyred members of his family as well as for the continued peace, progress and prosperity of the country.
