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Last updated: 18th April 2019
Press Release

Bangladesh High Commission in Nigeria observes historic “Mujibnagar Day”


17 April 2019


The High Commission of Bangladesh in Abuja, Nigeria observed historic “Mujibnagar Day” today in a befitting manner commemorating the oath-taking of the first Government of Bangladesh in 1971.

At the outset, one minute silence was observed in memory of all martyrs. A video documentary on the day was also screened. Messages of the President and Prime Minister were read out.


A discussion meeting was held at the Chancery in which the speakers touched on the importance of the day with special focus on the role of the Mujubnagar Government in steering the War of Liberation which eventually led to the independence of Bangladesh. In his remarks, Mr. Md. Shameem Ahsan,ndc, the High Commissioner of Bangladesh toNigeria paid glowing tribute to the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for his pioneering role and charismatic leadership in gaining independence for the country. He presented the historical facts and events leading to the formation of the Mujibnagar Government with the elected representatives. Mr. Ahsan, recalling the profound contribution of the four leaders, highlighted on the role of the Mujibnagar Government in overseeing the War of Liberation and its commendable efforts to obtain international recognition and to unite the nation and lead it at both domestic and international fronts. In this regard, he urged expatriate Bangladeshis to come forward to materialize the dream of "Sonar Bangla" envisioned by the Father of the Nation. Mission officials and expatriate Bangladesh nationals were present during the event.


A special prayer was offered for the salvation of the departed souls of the martyrs and continuous prosperity of the country.
