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Last updated: 17th December 2023
Press Release

Great Victory Day 2023: Bangladesh Consulate General in Sydney Commemorates National Pride


Sydney, 16 December 2023:


The Consulate General of Bangladesh in Sydney celebrated the 52nd anniversary of the Great Victory Day with a memorable day-long event. The festivities began with the raising of the Bangladeshi national flag at the Bangladesh House, followed by a series of events and performances at the Consulate General's office located at the heart of the Sydney city.


In his opening address, Consul General Md Shakhawat Hossain spoke about the profound significance of Victory Day, paying deep tribute to the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and all those who fought for and sacrificed their lives for Bangladesh's independence. The messages from the President and the Prime Minister were also acknowledged and read to the audience on this great occasion.


Throughout his speech, the Consul General stressed the importance of building a prosperous Bangladesh, drawing inspiration from the spirit of the liberation war. He underlined the remarkable socioeconomic developments Bangladesh has made over the past decade, citing improvements in various development indicators. He encouraged everyone to contribute to the nation-building process from their respective positions, ensuring a brighter future for generations to come. He also urged everyone to send remittance through legal channel and also to participate in the universal pension scheme.


The ceremony continued with a cultural extravaganza featuring local artists who captivated the audience with their soulful renditions of patriotic songs, dances, and recitals of Charampatra. The highlight of the event was the recognition and appreciation of the valiant freedom fighters present, whom the Consul General honoured with crest as a token of Nation’s gratitude.


The event concluded with a sense of unity and pride among the attendees, fostering a renewed commitment to the ideals of peace, progress, and prosperity that Bangladesh represents.
