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Last updated: 28th March 2024
Press Release

Bangladesh High Commission in Brunei observed the 53rd ‘Glorious Independence Day and National Day of Bangladesh’ with due solemnity.


Bandar Seri Begawan, 26 March 2024:


The Bangladesh High Commission in Bandar Seri Begawan observed the 53rd ‘Glorious Independence Day and National Day of Bangladesh’ with due solemnity. The Bangladesh High Commissioner, Mrs. Nahida Rahman Shumona, cordially welcomed the guests who were mainly members of Bangladesh Community. The program started with hoisting the National Flag of Bangladesh. Mr. Hafez Habibullah recited from the Holy Quran for the salvation of the departed souls of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, his family members, and all martyrs of the Liberation War. The Bangladesh High Commissioner along with all officials and staff of the Bangladesh High Commission paid rich tribute to the Father of the Nation by placing floral wreaths at the portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. One minute silence was observed in the memory of all martyrs of the liberation war. The High Commissioner and other officials of the High Commission read out messages from the Hon'ble President, the Hon'ble Prime Minister, and the Hon'ble Foreign Minister on this auspicious occasion.  


A documentary made on the brief history of the war of liberation as well as on the remarkable development journey of Bangladesh was screened for the guests. The High Commissioner of Bangladesh, in her closing remarks, proudly hailed Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation, as the greatest Bengali of all times. She felt proud of the phenomenal progress and development that has happened in Bangladesh over the last decade, and deeply appreciated the Hon’ble Prime Minister Her Excellency Sheikh Hasina for her planned and well-structured approach to development as well as her vision of building a ‘Smart Bangladesh’ by 2041. She inspired everyone by informing that the onus of building ‘Sonar Bangla’, the dream of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, is on the shoulders of all Bangladeshi citizens – home and abroad.       


As the date for the Independence and National Day i.e. 26 March 2024 falls within the holy month of Ramadan, the reception of the 53rd ‘Glorious Independence and National Day of Bangladesh’ was successfully organized by the Bangladesh High Commission at the Rizqun International Hotel, Bandar Seri Begawan on 08 March 2024.
