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Last updated: 10th July 2018
Press Release

Egyptian Ambassador Walid Ahmed Shamseldin paid a courtesy call on Foreign Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali, MP at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today.

Dhaka, 10.07.2018:

Egyptian Ambassador Walid Ahmed Shamseldin paid a courtesy call on Foreign Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali, MP at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today.

At the outset, Foreign Minister welcomed the Ambassador to Bangladesh. Foreign Minister praised the remarkable progress of Egypt in the recent years. During the talks, Foreign Minister intimated the Ambassador of Egypt about the opportunities of bilateral cooperation between Bangladesh and Egypt. He affirmed Bangladesh’s continuous effort to deepen ties with Egypt. Ambassador expressed his desire to work hard in strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries particularly in the areas of economic development, trade and investment, agriculture and tourism cooperation. Both sides stressed on high level visits with a view to further strengthening the existing bilateral relations.

Ambassador also mentioned that the Egyptian investors would like to invest in Bangladesh, particularly in power sector. The Ambassador expressed his concern about Rohingya Issue. Foreign Minister appreciated the support and cooperation of Egypt on the Rohingya crisis. Besides, they discussed regional and international issues of mutual interest and hoped to continue support each other in the UN and other international bodies. Foreign Minister assured the Egyptian Ambassador of all out support in discharging his duties in Bangladesh.
