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Last updated: 15th September 2020
Press Release

Statement by the Hon’ble Foreign Minister Dr. Abdul Momen, MP at the inauguration ceremony of Bangladesh Embassy in September 14, 2020 – Ankara, Turkey


Your Excellency Hon’ble Prime Minister of Bangladesh


Your Excellency Mr. Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Turkey


Your Excellency Mr. EkremCelebi, Chairman, Turkey-Bangladesh Parliamentary Friendship Group,


Dean of the Diplomatic Corps based in Ankara,


Members of Parliament,




Ladies & Gentleman,


As we have gathered to celebrate the joyous occasion of the opening of the newly-built Embassy of Bangladesh in Ankara, I wish to welcome you all thankfully for your gracious presence. Your presence, Mr. Foreign Minister, is a testimony to the strength of our time-honoured relations and friendship. Our relations are based on historical connections, cultural affinity, mutual trust and respect and shared interest to see a just and peaceful world order.The immense popularity of Turkish drama serials in Bangladesh based on historic as well as contemporary social themes is reflective of our attachment and affinity.


The opening of the Embassy is like unfolding a new chapter in the already existing friendly relations between the two countries. I am sure it would help further cement bonds between the two peoples. I am privileged and honoured to be part of this historic event.


Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am happy to announce that the Hon’ble Prime Minister of Bangladesh Her Excellency Sheikh Hasina is witnessing online the whole event in Dhaka and would officially open the Embassy shortly. I am privileged to convey her warm greetings and best wishes to Your Excellency and all present.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I join you in admiring this splendid Embassy complex enriched by elements of traditional Bangladeshi architecture. This redbrick structure reminds us of the terracota and traditional burnt clay materials in use in Bengal for a long time. The openness and connection of the buildings to the environment is dramatic, linear and friendly. The complex hosts a number of treasures such as a Bust of Bangabandhu, Language Martyrs’ Monument, Mural work called Invincible Bangladesh, terracota work, a display center of Bangladeshi products and a Library in addition to the Chancery, this auditorium and the Ambassador’s Residence. I think that’s quite a list of items of significance & value.


Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Establishment of the permanent Embassy building in Ankara is a manifestation of the importance and priority Bangladesh attaches to her relations with Turkey. I am happy to say that construction of Turkish Embassy in Dhaka simultaneously started and the project is already completed there. It was a most welcome coincidence. I hope the formal opening of the Turkish Embassy will also take place soon.


Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

This building is a testament to the enormous progress we have made since diplomatic relations between our two countries began in 1974. It goes without saying that promoting international peace and ensuring development and prosperity for our peoples are two key aspects of our cooperation. The present Government of Bangladesh led by the Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been relentlessly working to build a modern, progressive and forward looking Bangladesh. To that end, the Government is committed to realise its Vision 2021 and Vision 2041 for the country transforming Bangladesh into a developed and prosperous county taking its rightful place in the international arena. Bangladesh today is internationally acclaimed for its steady economic growth,political & social stability and as a growth accelerator.



Ladies and Gentlemen, at the end I would like to acknowledge the sincere, brilliant and concerted work put together by the designer, consultant, contractor and other development partners of the project. Special thanks go to our Ambassador Mr. M. AllamaSiddiki, his lady wife Rashna Faruk and the whole team of the Embassy.


Joi Bangla

Joy Bangabandhu!

Long live Bangladesh-Turkey Friendship.
