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Last updated: 9th January 2024
Press Release

“Bijoy Mela” Arranged during 16-22 December 2023 by Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Karachi to Commemorate the Victory Day 2023


Karachi: 23 December 2023


Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Karachi arranged a Weeklong “Bijoy Mela” during 16-22 December 2023 to showcase history, War of Independence, Victory of Bangladesh in 1971, and the Art, Culture, and Tradition of Bangladesh. Rare photographs with historical importance on Bangladesh, her independence and the Father of the National Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman were also on display for the visitors including young children and senior citizens. The recent socio-economic developments of Bangladesh were   also highlighted through discussion, briefing, and Audio-Visual presentations and displays.


The Bijoy Mela was arranged at the Chancery Premises during 16-22 December 2023. Around 500 persons visited at the weeklong Bijoy Mela. The Mission warmly welcomed the visitors to the Bijoy Mela. Special Gifts and Souvenirs were distributed among all the visitors during the week. Special Dinner were served on 16 December and refreshments were served on the other days during the period of Bijoy Mela. During the weeklong Bijoy Mela, the Chancery was decorated with colourful lights and balloons.


During the Bijoy Mela it was highlighted that under the charismatic and dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh has become a ‘Role Model’ of socio-economic development in the world. Bangladesh is currently among the five fastest growing economies in the world, ranking 35th in terms of GDP. Bangladesh has full filled all the criteria for the graduation to developing country from the LDC status and has been confirmed to be graduated from the LDC in 2026. In the Bijoy Mela the visitors were briefed on mega projects. Arrangements were also made for audio-visual presentations. There were displays of mega projects or other development initiatives such as the Padma Bridge, Dhaka Metro Rail, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Karnaphuli River Tunnel, Elevated Expressway in Dhaka, the 3rd Terminal at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport, Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant, 564 Model Masjid and Islamic Cultural Centers across Bangladesh, Deep-Sea Port, Bangabandhu Satellite-1, and Free Text Book distribution.


Deputy High Commissioner S. M. Mahbubul Alam highlighted that Bangladesh has been achieving impressive socio-economic progress. In Bangladesh the current primary enrollment rate is almost 100 percent, electricity coverage is 100 percent, and children vaccination is 100 percent, he added. The literacy rate is around 80 percent. Bangladesh is self-sufficient in food production. Bangladesh is the 2nd in RMG production and export. Over 15 million Bangladesh nationals live in over 180 countries and Bangladesh is 8th in Remittance receipt amounting over US$25 billion a year, he further added. Bangladesh’s foreign currency reserve reached up to US$48billion. Total annual Exports of Bangladesh is over US$55 billion. Bangladesh has been working hard for the annual export of US$100 billion by 2030.


Deputy High Commissioner also highlighted that Bangladesh would a trillion dollar Economy and the 9th largest consumer market in the world by 2041. Government of Bangladesh has been striving hard to implement “Vision-2041” to turn Bangladesh into an upper middle-income country by 2031 and Developed and Smart Bangladesh by 2041 and building a prosperous and climate-resilient delta by 2100.


The weeklong cloourful and informative Bijoy Mela was very much liked by the visitors. The visitors of the Bijoy Mela were deeply impressed to have the opportunity to know more about the rich history of Bangladesh and Bangladesh’s glorious history of Independence, the life and achievements of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the outstanding socio-economic development stories of Bangladesh in the recent years. The visitors profoundly appreciated socio-economic development of Bangladesh and the arrangement of the Bijoy Mela-2023.
