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Last updated: 9th September 2018
Press Release

Press Release on Bangladesh High Commissioner meets Nigeria’s State Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment

07 September 2018: H.E. Mr. Md. Shameem Ahsan,ndc, High Commissioner of Bangladesh to Nigeria called on withH.E. Ms. Aisha Abubakar, Hon’ble Minister for State of the Ministry of Industry, Trade & Investment of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on 7 September,2018 at her Office.

During the courtesy meeting, both sides expressed their keen interest to strengthen existing cordial bilateral relations between Bangladesh and Nigeria. Both of them agreed that there are huge potentials of expanding trade and commercial relations,in particular, between the two friendly countries. Bangladesh high Commissioner urged Nigerian investors to invest in Bangladesh availing the numerous incentives to invest in the country. He added that there are huge demands of the RMG, Pharmaceuticals, Ceramics, Jute products and handicrafts inthe Nigerian market and Nigerian businessmen could gain by importing from Bangladesh as the price is competitive and of international standard.

Both the High Commissioner and the Nigerian Minister stressed on launching a “Bangladesh-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce” which can act as a platform to facilitate stronger commercial relations in this regard.

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