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Last updated: 9th June 2024
Press Release

Cultural Diplomacy: Bangladesh Deputy High Commissioner in Karachi takes an initiative to Promote Tourism in Bangladesh


Karachi, 04 June 2024:


Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Karachi arranged a program titled “Tourism of Bangladesh: A Promotional Initiative as a Cultural Diplomacy” at the Conference Hall of the Chancery on 04 June 2024 to brief and invite the foreign nationals in Pakistan to visit Bangladesh as a touristic destination.


 During the program different aspects of tourism in Bangladesh and important touristic attractions were highlighted. Three documentaries and promotional Audio-Visual (AV) were screened. Colorful displays of touristic attractions in Bangladesh were made. There was a question & answer and interactive session, where the participants expressed their enthusiasm regarding their intention to visit Bangladesh and to explore the “Beautiful Bangladesh”.


Bangladesh Deputy High Commissioner in Karachi, S. M. Mahbubul Alam mentioned that Bangladesh has very rich art, culture, and traditions of thousands years. He further added that Bangladesh the largest delta in the world with the longest unbroken sandy beach and the largest mangrove forest in the world. Bangladesh is a melting pot of cultures of thousand of years. Bangladesh is a beautiful and green country with a network of hundreds of crisscrossing rivers. He elaborated on many touristic attractions across Bangladesh.   


 Deputy High Commissioner further mentioned that Bangladesh is a country of religious harmony. Bangladesh believes and practices in “Culture of Peace”. Deputy High Commissioner further mentioned that Bangladesh has been pursuing the foreign policy of “Friendship to all and malice towards none” since her Independence in 1971 as was postulated by the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.


Deputy High Commissioner highlighted that Bangladesh attaches huge importance to the protection and promotion of history, music, art & culture, tradition and heritage. Bangladesh is a secular democratic country with traditional inclusive society. The people of Bangladesh are peace-loving and they are profoundly welcoming and warmly hospitable. Bangladesh values the societal institutions and unique traditions of thousand years, which shape the cultural identity and the nation of Bangladesh.


Bangladesh Deputy High Commissioner in Karachi S. M. Mahbubul Alam invited the foreign participants to visit Bangladesh for tourism and exploring the “Beautiful Bangladesh”. The participants have shown their enthusiasm to visit Bangladesh. They were profoundly appreciative of Bangladesh’s socio-economic development vis-à-vis her cultural and traditional richness.


Refreshment was severed and mementos and souvenir on Bangladesh were presented to the participants.  
