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Last updated: 17th March 2024
Press Release

Business Meetings with Bangladesh Deputy High Commissioner in Karachi by Businessmen in Pakistan


Karachi, 15 March 2024:


Bangladesh Deputy High Commissioner in Karachi, S. M. Mahbubul Alam had several business meetings and interactions at the Chancery during 08-15 March 2024 with businessperson and investors in Pakistan.


Deputy High Commissioner mentioned that Bangladesh has become a ‘Role Model’ of socio-economic development in the world and Bangladesh is currently one of the five fastest growing economies in the world. Bangladesh currently ranks the 35th largest economy in the world in terms of GDP. Bangladesh has achieved 100% electricity coverage across the country and has been working to establish 100 Specialized Economic Zones (SEZs) across the country with foreign investment friendly policies.


Deputy High Commissioner invited the potential investors and businesspersons from Pakistan to invest in Bangladesh. He also invited the businessmen to import products such as jute and jute products, tea, leather and leather goods, garments, chemicals, and pharmaceutical products from Bangladesh.


The businesspersons were deeply impressed to know the success stories of Bangladesh. They highly appreciated the stability and business friendly policies in Bangladesh. They expressed their willingness to invest and to expand their business with Bangladesh. They also requested for smooth visa for businesspersons from Pakistan.


Bangladesh Deputy High Commissioner in Karachi, S. M. Mahbubul Alam handed over gifts and souvenirs on Bangladesh to the businesspersons.
