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Last updated: 14th April 2018
Press Release

Bangladesh and Tajikistan to continue to take bilateral relations to a new height

Dhaka, 14.04.2018:

State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md. Shahriar Alam had an official meeting with the Foreign Minister of Tajikistan. ASLOV SIRODJIDIN MUHRIDINOVICH yesterday. Welcoming the Hon’ble State Minister to Tajikistan, he hoped that this visit would reinvigorate the current bilateral relations and facilitate our efforts into new avenues and sectors for the mutual benefit of the two countries.

State Minister Md. Shahriar Alam recollected his last visit to Dushanbe and the interactions between the Prime Minister and the Tajik President over the vital issue of global water. State Minister briefed him about the recent development achievements and activities of the Government under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and the graduation from the LDC status. He also briefed him on the development and the actions taken by Bangladesh for the forcibly displaced Rohingyas from Myanmar. They also discussed the important OIC issues and the ways to make this organization more efficient and successful. Tajik Foreign Minister praised the actions and kind gestures of Bangladesh in providing assistance and shelter to the Rohingyas. He mentioned close contact and understanding between the two countries especially in the international fora and also opined that there were ample of scopes to expand the current relations encompassing more mutually beneficial issues at the bilateral level.

Both of them discussed various agreements which could be concluded between the two countries covering issues like the joint commission, visa waver, exchange of information and experiences mainly of garments manufacture and export of Tajik cotton and other agricultural products, development of pharmaceutical products using rich Tajik resources and development of tourism. Tajik Foreign Minister further praised the leadership role of Bangladesh in various international fora and requested for the continued support of Bangladesh in various efforts of Tajikistan. State Minister assured him of our help to Tajikistan in all regional and global fora. He also reiterated the invitation to participate in the forthcoming OIC CFM to be held in Dhaka. Tajik First Deputy Foreign Minister ZOHIDI NIZOMIDDIN SHAMSIDDINZODA also hosted an official dinner in honour of the State Minister.

Md. Tohidul Islam
Senior Information Officer
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mob: 01718543625
Email: islamtohidul76@gmail.com
