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Last updated: 20th September 2018
Press Release

Press Release on FAO Representative has presented his credentials to Foreign Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali.

Dhaka, 19 September 2018:

Newly appointed Representative of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) in Bangladesh Robert Douglas Simpson has presented his credentials to Foreign Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today. In accepting the credentials of the Representative of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), the Minister welcomed him to Bangladesh and wished him success in delivering his responsibilities. The Minister assured him of all out support from the government.

While accepting the credential of the Representative of FAO, the Foreign Minister briefed him about the actions taken by the government under the leadership of Prime Minister to ensure food security in Bangladesh and informed him that Bangladesh has become the 3rd largest producer of vegetable, 4th largest producer of rice and 5th largest producer of inland fisheries in the world. And hence, it has attained food sufficiency to meet up the need of its people. The Minister also highlighted other socio-economic developments achieved by the present government.

Foreign Minister also briefed the Representative of FAO about the recent development of Rohingya crisis. He informed that Bangladesh is putting in all efforts so that the Rohingyas can return to their houses in Myanmar. He thanked international communities and especially FAO for providing humanitarian assistance to Rohingya camps.

The FAO Representative thanked the Foreign Minister for accepting his credentials. He informed that FAO was willing to strengthen its cooperation further with Bangladesh especially in the areas of food security, nutrition, developing agricultural systems as well as realizing the challenges in agricultural sector for achieving inclusive agricultural development. He also expressed his willingness to increase cooperation with Bangladesh government in exploiting the resources offered by the blue economy and deep sea fishing.

Robert D. Simpson is a national of the USA. He had a long distinguished career at the FAO. Before joining his new role, Mr. Simpson was the FLEGT Team Leader and Programme Manager of FAO.
