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Last updated: 17th January 2024
Press Release

The 19th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) kicks off with Ministerial meeting in Kampala, Uganda


Kampala, 17 January 2024:


The 19th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) kicks off with ministerial level meeting in Kampala, Uganda with the theme “Deepening cooperation for shared global affluence”. The Ministerial meeting is inaugurated by Jessica Alupo, Vice President of the Republic of Uganda.  The Ministerial meeting will continue on 17 and 18 January followed by the Summit level meeting on 19 and 20 January 2024.


Before the Ministerial meeting, the Senior Officials Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement was held on 15-16 January 2024 to finalize the outcome document and declaration of the Summit. In the meeting, the issue of Israeli attack in Gaza dominated the discussion. It is expected that along with other political, economic and social issues, the Palestine issue will remain in focus during the Ministerial meeting. The Ministers of the member States of the Non-Aligned Movement will adopt the outcome document of the Summit as well as the Kampala Declaration and Political declaration on Palestine at the Ministerial level and will put forward the documents for the consideration of the Head of State and Head of Governments at the Summit.


President, Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers of more than 80 countries are attending the 19th Summit of the NAM – the largest multilateral platform after the United Nations. In the Summit, Azerbaijan will hand over the Chairmanship of NAM to Uganda for the next three years.


Bangladesh delegation in the NAM Summit scheduled to take place on 19-20 January 2024, will be led by Hon’ble Foreign Minister, Dr. Hasan Mahmud, MP. Whereas, in the Ministerial meeting of the NAM, Bangladesh delegation is attended by Foreign Secretary, Ambassador Masud Bin Momen, Ambassador Muhammad Abdul Muhith, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations, and Ambassador Tareque Muhammad, High Commissioner of Bangladesh to Kenya. 
