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Last updated: 31st December 2018
Press Release

Prime Minister Modi congratulates Prime Minister Hasina

Dhaka, 31 December 2018


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi called Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina this morning to congratulate her on her landslide election victory in the 11th Parliamentary Election held on December 30, 2018. Prime Minister Modi congratulated her party and the general people of Bangladesh for keeping faith in the vision of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.


Prime Minister Modi attributed the massive election victory to the able leadership of Prime Minister Hasina and the development that her government achieved in the last ten years. The Indian Prime Minister reiterated the priority India attached to Bangladesh as a neighbour; a partner in development and security cooperation and as a pillar in the “neighbourhood first” policy of India. He hoped that India and Bangladesh would continue to work together in the years to come.


Prime Minister Hasina thanked Prime Minister Modi and expressed happiness that Prime Minister Modi was the first to call following her election victory. She thanked India’s cooperative role in the development pursuit of Bangladesh. She wished Prime Minister Modi well for the upcoming general election in India in 2019.
