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Last updated: 28th May 2020
Press Release

Ministry of Foreign Affairs facilitates return of 124 stranded Foreign Nationals to their home counties

Today, 10 April 2020, Ministry of Foreign Affairs facilitated return of 124 stranded nationals of 15 European countries from Dhaka by a Special flight chartered by the Germany Embassy in Dhaka. There were also some Bangladeshi-German nationals in the group. The German Ambassador to Bangladesh who came to the airport to see the passengers off said that most of these people who left Dhaka were engaged in many developemnt projects in Bangladesh where the work is temporarily suspended due to holidays declared by the Government of Bangladesh to prevent the spread of Corona virus. These foreign nationals are expected to return to BANGLADESH as soon as the Government declared holidays are over. There were also some nationals who come to BANGLADESH to meet their families and for business purpose. The German Government thanked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to facilitate the process.