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Last updated: 19th March 2024
Press Release

“Shishu Mela” Arranged during 17-18 March 2024 by Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Karachi


Karachi: 18 March 2024


Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Karachi arranged a 2-Day long Shishu Mela” during 17-18 March 2024. The Shishu Mela” was arranged at the Mission’s Premises to commemorate the 104th Birth Anniversary of the Father of the National Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the National Children Day-2024. 


Visitors including young children of schools, colleges, and universities and their parents visited the Shishu Mela” during 17-18 March 2024.


The Shishu Mela” was aimed to commemorate the 104th Birth Anniversary of the Father of the National Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the National Children Day-2024 and to highlight the life and great contribution of the Father of the Nation.


Fun games, art competition, quiz competition, and poem recitations were arranged. The glorious history and rich art and cultural tradition of Bangladesh were also highlighted during the Shishu Mela” though informative displays and the documentariesThe Chancery premises were decorated with colorful balloons. Attractive gifts and souvenirs were distributed to the visiting children and their parents and guardians. Refreshments and dinner were also served with traditional Bangladeshi cuisines. 


All the visiting children were delighted and enlightened to visit the Shishu Mela, which was both fun and educative them. They expressed their enthusiasm to visit the Shishu Mela” and to have the opportunity for funfair, and to know more about Bangladesh and the Father of the Nation of Bangladesh. 
