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Last updated: 18th February 2018
Press Release

Ambassador of European Union to Dhaka meets the Foreign Minister

Dhaka, 31 January 2018: Ambassador and Head of EU Delegation to Dhaka Rensje Teerink made a courtesy call on the Foreign Minister A H Mahmood Ali MP at his office in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs this morning. Foreign Minister greeted her for being Ambassador of EU to Bangladesh and welcomed her to Bangladesh.

While apprising the Foreign Minister of her initial experience, she mentioned that it was a dynamic start for her as a number of high level visits from EU took place including visit of Federica Mogherini, the EU High Representative and Vice President of the European Commission to Bangladesh last month.

She praised the exemplary role played by Bangladesh in handling the Rohingya crisis under the bold leadership of the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina which has also been lauded by the international community. She also praised Bangladesh for achievement in the women empowerment, poverty alleviation, girls’ education and many other fields of human development. She also intimated that EU is ready to extend all sorts of assistance to Bangladesh regarding Rohingya crisis and their repatriation to Myanmar. Foreign Minister informed that Bangladesh is only dealing the repatriation issue bilaterally with Myanmar and signed three instruments already for repatriation. Bangladesh emphasize on the safe, sustainable return of the rohingya people to their home land and urged the International Community including EU to retain pressure on Myanmar so that these people are not confined to IDP camps. He informed that as per the agreements signed with Myanmar UNHCR and WFP will be gradually engaged in the repatriation and reintegration process which is subject to the permission of Myanmar authority though. However, he put emphasize on that the issue as a whole is a multilateral issue therefore, requires sincere involvement of international community including UN in the successful solution to the crisis.

EU Ambassador informed that a high powered Parliamentary delegation is coming to Bangladesh in the second week of February which will include heads of EU Parliamentary standing committee for Human rights, Foreign Affairs and Trade. Heads of EU Parliamentary standing committee for Human rights and Trade will also visit Myanmar after Bangladesh visit.

Foreign Minister assured her of kinds of support during her tenure and wished her success.

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Publish Date: 
Thursday, February 1, 2018