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Last updated: 16th August 2018
Press Release

Dip Note on Incident that took place on 4 August 2018, at Mohammadpur, Dhaka

Dhaka, 16 August 2018

The official vehicle of the US Embassy in Dhaka carrying the US Ambassador Marcia Bernicat encountered an unfortunate incident in the Mohammadpur area of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Police immediately rushed to the area and provided necessary protection ensuring that the Ambassador and the personnel remain unharmed. Subsequently, the US Embassy expressed its appreciation for the role played by Bangladesh Police in ensuring her safety and security.

Government of Bangladesh strongly condemns the unfortunate incident.  It is also committed to ensure safety and security of all Diplomatic Corps in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Law enforcing Agency has been actively engaged in investigating the incident. Upon completion of the investigation, appropriate actions will be taken.
