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Last updated: 23rd September 2018
Press Release

Press Release on Foreign Secretary (Senior Secretary) speaks in a Seminar on Rohingya issue

20 September 2018: Foreign Secretary (Senior Secretary) speaks in a Seminar on Rohingya issue

Foreign Secretary (Senior Secretary), Md. Shahidul Haque spoke this afternoon as Chief Guest at a Seminar organized by Institute of Conflict, Law and Development Studies (ICLDS). The Seminar was titled, “Rohingya Crisis: Response of Bangladesh and the International Community”. It was held at hotel Westin. The Seminar was chaired by Ambassador Muhammad Zamir, Chairman of ICLDS.

In his remarks, the Foreign Secretary mentioned that Bangladesh was confronted with formidable challenges following the influx of Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals into its territory. Despite all those challenges, the Government of Bangladesh (specially because of visionary leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina) stabilized the situation now. It gave shelter to 1.1 million Rohingyas. It also invited international community including press to visit the areas where Rohingyas took shelter and the international community assisted us. As Myanmar is Bangladesh’s neighbor, and it is a conflict between Myanmar and its people, the Government of Bangladesh intends to resolve the issue peacefully maintaining good relationship with Myanmar. In spite of some provocations (airspace violations and land mine), GOB maintained restraint. The GOB also provided necessary information to ICC. The Prime Minister would be going to attend UNGA session tomorrow, where she would attend a number of High Level Meetings and other events and raise the Rohingya issue there.

