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Last updated: 24th December 2018
Press Release

Graphic novel 'Mujib' in Japanese was launched at the embassy in a festive ceremony Last evening, which was attended among others by Mrs. Akie Abe, spouse of Japanese prime minister, State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ms. Toshiko Abe, the Father of the Nation's daughter Sheikh Rehana and her son and publisher of Mujib, Mr. Radwan Mujib Siddiq.

Dhaka, 27.11.2018: (Received from Tokyo)

Graphic novel 'Mujib' in Japanese was launched at the embassy in a festive ceremony Last evening, which was attended among others by Mrs. Akie Abe, spouse of Japanese prime minister, State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ms. Toshiko Abe, the Father of the Nation's daughter Sheikh Rehana and her son and publisher of Mujib, Mr. Radwan Mujib Siddiq. 


The launch ceremony was attended by ambassadors, high government officials, representatives of Japanese companies, civil society, the media and members of the expatriate Bangladeshi community.  

The presence of the Japanese First lady and the State Minister for Foreign Affairs lent huge profile and media attention to the ceremony and the publication.


In her address as the chief guest, Mrs. Akie Abe highly lauded the translation initiative and hoped that children of Japan will be able to know Bangladesh’s founding Father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman through this graphic novel. She also praised the leadership of Bangabandhu in liberating Bangladesh and in rebuilding the country. She commended the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, and appreciated Bangladesh’s remarkable achievement under her prudent leadership. Mentioning the deep friendship and trust between Bangladesh and Japan, she said that the foundations of bilateral relations between the two countries was laid by the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. 


State Minister for Foreign Affairs Ms. Toshiko Abe resonated Ms. Akie Abe’s sentiments and commended the efforts of translating the graphic novel into Japanese. Highlighting the deep compassion that Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina showed to the refugees from Myanmar, she mentioned that Bangladesh is now the symbol of humanity and humanitarian efforts. She recalled on an emotional note the gesture of by HPM to host the large number of Rohingyas and her declaration that the 'people of Bangladesh would share their meals with the Rohingya refugees from whatever they have'.   


The presence of the First Lady and the State Minister, and their strong statements of support can certainly be regarded as a 'vote of confidence' of the Japanese government for HPM and Bangladesh.  And the significance of such strong support at this juncture when we are weeks away from the elections, cannot be emphasized more.  


Besides the launch at the Embassy last evening, reading sessions were held in two prestigious schools of Tokyo yesterday and this morning on the translated novel.  The positive response of the students and the enthusiasm of the school authorities to agree to hold the reading sessions was very moving. 


The Japanese translation of Mujib was the outcome of a year-long joint effort by the Embassy and CRI.  The two translators who did the translation work gratis were honoured with presentation of crests in recognition of their contribution.
