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Last updated: 13th September 2018
Press Release

Press Release on Foreign Secretary calls for re-looking at diaspora at the WEF on ASEAN Conference in Hanoi

Hanoi, 12 September 2018: Foreign Secretary Md.ShahidulHaquecalled for the origin societies to value their diaspora across countries as “asset” for the countryto attract and mobilisethem in the development of the origin country.

He was addressing as a panelist at the session ‘Missed opportunity: Diaspora Networks’at the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual ASEAN Summit. Foreign Secretary stressed on public policies to be proactive and flexible, societies to be welcoming and facilitating to attract and sustain the members of their diaspora in respective countries. He cited various polices adopted by Bangladesh Government in engaging Bangladeshi diaspora from the world over in her development.The discussion moderated by Reuters Associate Editor Clara Ferreira Marques and joined by Jose Isidro Camacho, Vice-Chairman of Asia-Pacific Credit Suisse AG, Professor of London School of Economics and Political Science Mr. Lutfey Siddiqi.

Later in the day, Foreign Secretary called on the Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mr. Pham Binh Minhat the VietnamForeign Ministry. Referring to the friendly ties between Bangladesh and Vietnam, ShahidulHaque emphasized on exploiting the complementarities between the two countries in trade, investment, agriculture, SMEs and other areas of cooperation. He also requested for early establishing direct air-link between Dhaka and Hanoi and easing Vietnamese visa for the Bangladeshi business people and tourists. The Vietnamese Foreign Minister responded saying the value Hanoi attaches to its ties with Dhaka; and looked forward to exploring potential areas of cooperation in concrete terms. Highlighting that the annual bilateral trade has already surpassed US$ one billion dollar mark, he emphasized on early convening of the Foreign Office Consultations (FOC) as well as Joint Trade Commission in Vietnam. Both of them also agreed on greater exchange of visits at the official level and deepening of people-to-people contact.

Foreign Secretary discussedwith Mr. BorgeBrende, President of the WEF issues of interests between Bangladesh and the WEF. Foreign Secretary further had a TV interview by the CNN on Rohingya issue where he highlightedrange of humanitarian and generous steps taken by Hon. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in addressing the issue, situation of the Rohingya people in Bangladesh and the status of their repatriation in light of his recent visit to Myanmar.

