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Last updated: 4th October 2018
Press Release

Press Release on “Bangladesh is committed to green, clean and sustainable energy”-says State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh during the first General Assembly of International Solar Alliance (ISA)

Dhaka, 03 October 2018:


“Bangladesh is committed to green, clean and sustainable energy”-says State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh during the first General Assembly of International Solar Alliance (ISA)


During the First General Assembly of International Solar Alliance (ISA), held today in Greater Noida, India, State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md. Shahrial Alam, MP, delivered the country statement where he expressed Bangladesh Government’s willingness and commitment to work with the member countries of ISA for ensuring sustainable solar energy. He also underscored the Government’s priority for green and clean energy.


 In his statement, the State Minister elaborated the current status of solar energy usage in Bangladesh. Conveying Bangladesh Government’s readiness to share its innovation with the member states of ISA for better solar technology, he also informed the international dignitaries present in the Assembly that Bangladesh had already shared best practices in Solar Home System with several African countries. He urged the Assembly to work for a cheaper and reliable solar energy through the transfer of solar technology among the member countries. The State Minister concluded with a suggestion that “collective approaches” can fulfil the goal and aspiration of the member states of ISA in this regard.  


State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md. Shahriar Alam is on a three-day official visit from 02-04 October 2018, Delhi, India. He arrived in New Delhi on 02 October and attended the Inaugural Ceremony of the First General Assembly of the International Solar Alliance (ISA), and the 2ND IORA Renewable Energy Ministerial Meeting. The events were simultaneously inaugurated by the Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi with the presence of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and ministerial delegation from many of the ISA member countries.
