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Last updated: 18th March 2024
Press Release

Macao businesspersons and investors showed their keen interests in exploring Bangladesh’s business opportunities during a seminar organized by the Macao International Network Elite Chamber of Commerce with the Consulate


Hong Kong, 12 March 2024


At the joint initiative of the Consulate General of Bangladesh and Macao International Network Elite Chamber of Commerce, a good number of prospective investors, business persons of Macao participated in a very interactive seminar held in Macao on 11 March 2024  to learn about the investment opportunities of Bangladesh. Ms. Israt Ara, Consul General of Bangladesh in Hong Kong and Macao SARs attended the seminar as a keynote speaker.


In her speech, the Consul General highlighted the current economic and social performances of Bangladesh, different aspects of trade and investment in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Government’s different incentives for foreign investors and business opportunities in various sectors which the audience found very informative and useful. She encouraged and invited the potential business persons/investors of Macao to explore the business potentials of Bangladesh. She also assured them of all possible cooperation from the Consulate. In the question and answer session, the Consul General also highlighted the socio-economic development of Bangladesh, Bangladesh’s export market, possible areas of investment, comparative advantages of Bangladesh such as labour cost, production cost, young working force, political stability etc.


Professor Tim Wong, President of Macao International Network Elite Chamber of Commerce  highly appreciated the engagement of the Consulate of Bangladesh in enhancing business opportunities. He also expressed interest to visit Bangladesh with a business delegation. He further proposed for creation of a Bangladesh and Macao Chamber of Commerce to promote mutual trade and investment.
