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Last updated: 15th May 2024
Press Release

The government of Bangladesh condemns the recent attacks perpetrated by Israeli extremist settlers in Palestine on a Jordanian humanitarian convoy to Gaza via the Beit Hanoun Crossing meant for civilian aid in Gaza.

Dhaka, 13 May 2024

The government of Bangladesh condemns the recent attacks perpetrated by Israeli extremist settlers in Palestine on a Jordanian humanitarian convoy to Gaza via the Beit Hanoun Crossing meant for civilian aid in Gaza.

As we express our support and solidarity with the Jordanian government in their endeavors to serve humanity through its humanitarian aid, we call upon Israeli Occupation Authorities to allow unhindered access of humanitarian aid to Gaza as enshrined in the International Humanitarian Law. It is the responsibility of the Israeli Occupation authorities to put an end to these settlers’ violences and to protect humanitarian convoys.     

 Bangladesh underscores the need for the signatory parties to uphold the International humanitarian law (IHL) which clearly lays out the responsibilities of states and non-state armed groups for rapid and unimpeded passage for all humanitarian aid.
