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Last updated: 6th March 2024
Press Release

Cultural Diplomacy: “Bangladesh has a con-communal and harmonious Cultural Landscape” -- the Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Karachi brief in Sukkur


Karachi, 24 February 2024:


“Bangladesh has a con-communal and harmonious Cultural Landscape”-- the Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Karachi briefs at the Sadhu Bella in Sukkur on 24 February 2024.


The Deputy High Commissioner of Bangladesh in Karachi S. M. Mahbubul Alam mentioned that Bangladesh has a rich, diverse culture. He further added that the language of Bangladesh, Bangla, holds immense importance and is an essential part of the nation’s cultural identity. Vast Literary works have deeply influenced Bangladeshi literature, music, and arts, leaving an indelible mark on the cultural landscape. Bangladesh’s cultural tapestry is a vibrant mosaic woven with diversity, traditions, and resilience. From its ethnic harmony and festive celebrations to its traditional arts, music, and cuisine, this country offers an immersive cultural experience. Bangladesh embraces its heritage while embracing modern influences, creating a non-communal and harmonious blend that captivates the hearts of its people and leaves a lasting impression on those fortunate enough to explore its cultural riches.


He added that that its deeply rooted heritage is thoroughly reflected in its architecture, dance, literature, music, painting and clothing. The three primary religions of Bangladesh Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism have had a great influence on its culture and history. He further added that Bangladesh is a vibrant country brimming with a rich cultural heritage. Its history dates back thousands of years, and this land has witnessed the rise and fall of mighty civilizations. From its diverse ethnic groups to its captivating festivals and traditions, Bangladesh offers a tapestry of cultural experiences that captivate both locals and visitors alike.


The deputy High Commissioner highlighted the Ethnic Diversity and Harmony in Bangladesh. He mentioned that Bangladesh is home to a mosaic of ethnic communities, each with its distinct cultural practices and traditions.


Bangladesh’s cultural tapestry is a testament to its rich history and diverse heritage. The country’s vibrant festivals, traditional arts and crafts, mesmerizing music and dance, and delectable cuisine all contribute to its unique identity. The warmth and hospitality of the Bangladeshi people are an integral part of their culture. Foreign Visitors to Bangladesh often remark on the genuine kindness and generosity extended to them by the locals. It is common for guests to be welcomed with open arms and treated to delicious homemade meals, showcasing the country’s strong sense of community and togetherness.


The Deputy High Commissioner added that Religion plays a significant role in Bangladeshi culture, with Islam being the predominant faith. Mosques, temples, and churches dot the landscape, serving as places of worship and reflection. Religious festivals like Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Adha, Muharram, observed by Muslims, Durga Puja, celebrated by the Hindu community, Buddha Purnima, celebrated by Buddha Community, and Christmas celebrated by Christian Community add further diversity and color to the cultural calendar.


Focusing on the non-communal and harmonious culture, traditions and festivals the Deputy High Commissioner quotes the slogan of Hon’ble Prime Minister of Bangladesh as saying ধর্ম যার যার উৎসব সবার” – Religions for Individuals, Festivals for All”.
