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Last updated: 30th January 2024
Press Release

“International Gourmet” - Bangladesh Participated to Promote Bangladesh and her Rich History, Development Journey and Culture in Karachi


Karachi: 27 January 2024


Bangladesh has participated at the “International Gourmet” arranged by the Air War College Institute in Karachi on 27 January 2024.  Bangladesh’s participation was to represent Bangladesh, to promote Bangladesh and to highlight her rich history, development journey and culture in Karachi.  


Different countries namely Egypt, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Saud Arabia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Oman, Iran, Jordan, Nigeria, and Pakistan participated at the event to showcase their respective countries. Those countries which have their trainee officers at the Institute on official training had their participation at the event.   


Bangladesh was highly projected at the event. Her development journey, art, culture, & tradition and Bangladeshi cuisine were particularly highlighted. Over one thousand invited guests and dignitaries including Consuls General, trainee officers and their family members of participating countries and businessperson from Pakistan participated and visited the stalls of different countries. All the visiting dignitaries were impressed to see and know more about Bangladesh particularly the art, culture & tradition, cuisine and the socio-economic and development journey of Bangladesh.
