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Last updated: 18th February 2018
Press Release

EU stands with Bangladesh in this difficult time

Mr. Christos Stylianides, European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management called on the Hon’ble Foreign Minister of Bangladesh A. H. Mahmood Ali, MP at the State Guest House Padma today. European Commissioner has just returned from Cox’s Bazaar after visiting the camps where the forcibly displaced Myanmar Nationals have been taking shelter.
The European Commissioner thanked the Government and the people of Bangladesh for giving shelter to the distressed Rohingyas of Myanmar and deeply appreciated Bangladesh’s humanity and generosity. European Commissioner said that he is visiting Bangladesh to send a strong message that EU stands with Bangladesh in this difficult time. He has also informed the Foreign Minister about the recent initiatives of EU to cover the increasing humanitarian needs of the Rohingays.

The Foreign Minister briefed him about the current situation regarding influx of Rohingyas and apprised that over one million Rohingyas are now living in Bangladesh. He also mentioned the presence of this huge number of forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals has created massive socio-economic and environmental challenge for Bangladesh.

Hon’ble Foreign Minister sought sustained political support of EU so that a sustainable solution to this Rohingya problem could be forged in light of the recommendations of Kofi Annan Commission.

Citing the recent engagements between Myanmar and Bangladesh, the Foreign Minister expressed hope that EU will continue their persuasion with Myanmar until the Rohingyas return to their homeland in safety, security and dignity.

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Publish Date: 
Wednesday, November 1, 2017