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Last updated: 17 March 2018
Press Release

Embassy actions and initiatives (16 March 2018)

1. On 16 March,the Medical team from Bangladesh visited the Hospitals (Kathmandu Medical College and NORVIC Hospital) and the DNA testing specialists went to the Teaching Medical College Hospital Mortuary for meeting with the counterpart for initiating the collection of Sample of all the 49 deceased passengers of Plane Crash for record only and subsequent analysis, if necessary. The concerned Authorities of Bangladesh have announced that collection of DNA sample from the relatives of the deceased will be started in Dhaka from Sunday, 18 March 2018 at CID DNA laboratory at CID office, Malibagh, Dhaka.

2. Ambassador briefed all visiting media channels/press in her office at noonand briefed them on the status of patients and actions taken for identification of dead bodies and subsequent repatriation of mortal remains.

3. In the evening, Ambassador briefed the relatives on the treatment status of the passengers who are alive and also on identification of dead bodies. She informed that all post mortems arecompleted (all 49 bodies out of which 26 are BD nationals) today. From tomorrow (17 March 2018) identification process will be started based on relatives' info and forensic examination. Approximately 10-12 bodies out of 49 deceased may require DNA tests.

4. The Forensic expert answered some specific questions of the relatives. Embalming of dead bodies and casketing and rituals will require one more day. First batch of repatriation of mortal remains is expected on Tuesday (20 March) subject to completion of identification and other formalities including rituals. Unidentifiable mortal remainswill need DNA test. In that case 3 weeks will be required to complete the whole process subject to timely receipt of DNA sample from relatives.

5. The relatives requested the Embassy to arrange religious rituals to complete in Nepal. Ambassador has mentioned that the Embassy will put its best efforts to arrange the rituals. However, she mentioned that it may delay the whole process of repatriation which the relatives mentioned that they would not mind.

6. Earlieron 14 March 2018in a meeting with the relatives of the deceased passengers it was decided that the Nepalese authorities here will hand over the dead bodies to Embassy and the relatives will receive in Dhaka. To facilitate the process, a generic authorization/receiving form has been distributed to the relatives who will receive the dead bodies in Dhaka. The relatives in Nepal have been requested to fill the form and submit to the Embassy. This form, customs form (to be filled in at HSIA) and death certificates are required documents for handing over. To further facilitate the process the Embassy will collect the prescribed sample of Customs forms of Bangladesh.

7. Ambassador informed that the belongings of the passengers are kept with the Nepalese Security which they would hand over to the Investigation Committee.

8. Regarding transportation, US Bangla airlines promised to carry the remains. All cost of services in this regardwill be borne by US Bangla.Ambassador discussed the whole issue with them. They have conveyed that they will bring a Boeing 737- 800 to KTM for this purpose. The Embassy has provided size of a standard coffin. They will confirm tomorrow as to how many dead bodies could fit into the cargo hold. Some of the relatives may also accompany the dead bodies.

9. For repatriation of the deceased acoordination committee needs to be formed in Dhaka for receiving the mortal remains in HSIA, Dhaka. The team may be formed with representation from Civil Aviation, Bangladesh Police, BD Customs, Ministry of Disaster Management and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. DG (C&W) and DG (EP) with 3-4 officers from the MOFA will coordinate the handing over of dead bodies at HSIA, Dhaka. The contact details of DG (C&W) and DG (EP) have already been shared with the relatives.

10. Final update: 10 alive and 26 reported dead. Till date 5 survived passengers have left Kathmandu (4 for Dhaka Ms. ShahreenAhmed, Mrs. AlmunNahar Annie, Mrs. Saiyada Kamrunahar Shwarna and Mr. Mehedi Hasan); (1 for Singapore Mr. Rezwanul Haque). Ambassador and DG (SA) saw them off at the hospital.
